Chapter 11

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= Zymir =

"Why did she have to bring him?" Sav makes an unsatisfied face in Chris and Zahara's direction. I laugh and take another sip of my drink. We are at the beach with most of our senior class for a basic beach day and then a bonfire later on tonight. Our class has basically taken over a large portion of the beach playing music, football, volleyball, and a group is dancing somewhere in the center. Sav is having his annual "I wish Chris was not here" episode that he has been constantly having since Chris showed up at the fight Friday.

"Because that is her boyfriend and he is here to visit her." He rolls his eyes and groans. He is just mad Zahara is not paying any attention to him. "What happened to Rheana anyways? Aren't you two working on becoming a thing?" I kind of glance around the beach for her hoping I can call her over, but I don't see her.

"Nah man, she is boring. I feel like if I told her to jump she would ask 'how high'? You feel me? I need someone with a little more independence. Someone who is not just looking to have a cute boyfriend." He pouts in Zahara's direction again and I just laugh. He better stop before Chris catches him and beats his ass. Chris is really cool, but something tells me his whole chill side vanishes when it comes to other guys and Zahara. Mostly from stories she has told me, but I have yet to see what she has told me in person. Now that I have met him I can see why they are together. Sometimes you just see those couples and they just fit. No one else would look perfect with them like they do with each other. I am glad he came though because Zahara has been extremely happy these past couple of days and I doubt her smile will ever stretch this wide again when he leaves. I hear Sav groan beside me again and I laugh while I pat his back in comfort.

"It will be alright man. Some day you will find another, Zahara."

"Yea, I guess." He keeps pouting in her direction and I just shake my head. I have honestly never seen him this down over a girl, and I am not surprised the one girl he finally has a crush on is not interested in him at all.

"Here, baby." Arion comes behind us with two chocolate ice cream cones from the shack on the boardwalk.

"Thanks." I kiss her on the cheek after she sits back down in between my legs and I take my cone from her. I don't know what has gotten into Arion but these past couple of days she has really been acting different. Nicer, I guess you could say. We haven't had an argument since the day she almost got into a fight with Zahara and she is even starting to act nice towards Zahara and Chris as well. I still don't know if she has something up her sleeve, or if she is being genuine but I plan to ride this out until it dies. Reminds me of when we first got together and I am seeing the Arion I fell in love with come out again. She really is sweet and down to earth, but not many people get to see that side of her.

Chris and Zahara come back over to our spot, out of the water, and sit down with us. Chris sits down first and then pulls Zahara down onto his lap. Sav gives off a groan and quickly jumps up and walks off in the direction of where some of the guys from the team are playing football. It takes everything in me not to laugh and Zahara gives me a confused look.

"What's his problem?"

"He's just hot. Got tired of sitting still." I lie for him as he walks over and hops right into the game with the rest of the guys. Zahara just shrugs at my response and lays back against Chris.

"I think I might go get some food." Zahara says this and Chris helps her stand up.

"I'll come with you. I'm kind of thirsty." I help Arion up and Zahara gets a shocked expression on her face for just a quick second before her face is back neutral again. Part of me wants to go with them to make sure everything goes smoothly, but the other part of me stays sitting down on my towel.

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