Chapter 28

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By the time Izuku had arrived at Sutakira Station, the streetlights were already on. The bomb threat had put everyone on high alert, so the police and heroes had combed the streets for two hours and then Izuku had to give his statement on the incident. Now, he was plain exhausted. Not only had today been a core and muscle day, on top of the hero work, but now he was in a rush to get back to Alyssa.

I'm here. Where are you?

You finish kicking ass and taking names?

Where are you?

Are you okay?

That last text from her had been sent a half-hour ago. The truth was that he wasn't okay. He'd calmed down considerably since the incident, but it was still fresh in his mind and stockpiled on top of all of the other half-dozen things he was worried about. Everything else was all a jumble inside his head. What would he do now? Had Alyssa seen the outfit? Was she angry with him? Surprised? Was she even still there waiting for him? He hadn't received any reply like 'we need to talk' or that she had decided to go home, but at this point he was so exhausted that he almost didn't care if she found out. Let her discover how much of a failure he was in real life, how much of a disappointment he was as a hero. That would destroy her idolization of him, no problem. Then he wouldn't have to deal with the anxiety of her hating him afterward. It was decided then. The instant that he saw her, he would tell her.

Izuku was panting slightly, his shirt soaked so thoroughly that it was almost like a second skin. Drops of rainwater dripped onto the arid concrete as he walked down the train station steps. Most of the blood had been washed off in the rain, but there were still rusty stains on his shirt- even if there weren't, he knew it was there. It was like he was walking down a long dark tunnel with nothing but blind hope that there was light at the end of it. His footsteps were a quiet echo in the almost vacant train station. Most people were either still at work or had already gone home for the day, so the only people that would be here were those who were coming back from a fun night out. He expected to be left only with himself and his disappointment- after all, what sane person would stay at a train station at all hours of the night? It was foolish of him to expect her to wait this long. Still, he sent her a text and began looking for her around the various pillars.

'You are not worthless, okay? Don't ever say that or let anyone tell you that! You can only try your best...'

Her words began drifting into his head along with the memory of her arms around him and felt his chest tighten. Even now, she was trying to comfort him, inspiring him even when she wasn't really there. He longed for her arms to be around him again, to feel the warmth of her soft embrace. Outside of his family, he hadn't received too many hugs in his life. Public displays of affection were normally frowned upon by Japanese society and he hadn't known anyone long enough to be comfortable with it, but there was something about Alyssa's touch that made him crave more of it. He wanted to see her. He needed to see her, even just for a moment. If he had just that, he decided he would be alright. Then, when he told her the truth and she decided she never wanted to speak to him again, he'd accept that decision. It was his own fault, after all.

Judging by how few people there were down here, it appeared like he was going to be denied even that. He was about to grab something from the vending machine on his way out when his thoughts were interrupted by a sonorous voice. Unlike the loud EDM music Izuku had been fighting against, the tune was light, melodious and full of purpose. It bounced off of the walls like a pianist pressing down on a reverb pedal. There weren't any words or lyrics spoken, just vocalizations that were distinct and precise. It was a happy sort of noise, not something you'd normally hear in a Japanese train station.

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