31▲ BIRTH mode.

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"Actions will forever matter
more than words"


I stared blankly up at the house of my sister and the excitement that filled me to see her was a welcomed feeling. I hadn’t really seen her since the baby shower which was a weird thing for me because we were normally joined at the hip. 

Everything had just changed so much after I returned.

I remembered how I felt when she told me she would be getting married, I had feared that things would change between us. They had already been a bit of a difference once she was in a relationship with Bryan, to a point where I felt like a third wheel because of John being constantly busy.

John had probably accompanied me to their house maybe once and I understood that his time was precious, but I liked the idea of a balance. I gave so much blood, sweat and tears to wrestling for a decade and now I would be sidelined again and all I would have were the people that truly cared about me.

“So, what do you expect me to say when they question why I am with you?” Allen’s voice broke through my thoughts and I remembered that I hadn’t taken the journey to Phoenix on my own.

“Well, I actually don’t know because I am off the road” I pouted as I rest my head back.

We had just pulled up outside my sister’s house because she would be induced later in the day, if our little Birdie didn’t make an appearance before then.
I wasn’t sure what the plan had been when I had asked AJ to come with me. Although he could have stayed at the hotel, I just felt like I needed him close.

I also had this weird fear that if I left him out of my sight John would make an appearance somewhere. I hadn’t responded to his text, but I had shut down after receiving it which Allen had noticed. He assumed it was me being concerned about Brie so I hadn’t corrected him because that was on my mind as well.

I didn’t know when I would be seeing John again.

I planned to keep my sister or my mom company for a bit since AJ had to work. I knew that I needed to tell AJ that John was aware it was him because John might just show up at work and do something. But I would wait until Birdie was into the world for that because that was currently the main priority.

“I guess I am just a good friend then” He smirked as we exited the car.

I longed for the days when I could hold his hand in public. The only person that was singing our praises at the moment was Baron because he was thankful that we had literally kissed and made up. I appreciated how much Baron cared about me, if I hadn’t had Allen and him since I returned I wasn’t sure what I would do.

“You’re finally here! Brie is… AJ” Bryan frowned as he glanced between us.

“Allen flew out with me after Baron’s wedding because he has some family here. I figured he could keep you company while Brie and I catch up...” I quickly explained to hopefully clear up the confusion that filled his face.

“Oh well, that’s great” He chuckled before he moved aside so we could enter.

I could still see the confusion and while he was too polite to persist I knew my sister would be a different case.

I was just tired of showing up alone.

“Brie!” I called as I greeted the dogs and lifted Winston into my arms as I had missed him so much as well.

I had been really disappointed when I heard that I needed to take a break from wrestling, but I felt that it lined up perfectly with Brie giving birth, so I could be there for her.

Shelter // NIKKI BELLA | AJ STYLESWhere stories live. Discover now