36. RUMOURS about us.

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"If I savor each syllable every time I say your name, then allow you to kiss me and taste it - would you feel the weight of my love?"


I briefly allowed my eyes to fall on Nicole who was seated beside me as we sat at a table having just dealt with a rush of fans. She was laughing off something one of the photographers had said after she had asked them to take a picture of the three of us.
I couldn’t help that I had gone off on Nicole when I had helped her move her things out of the home she shared with John as I had seen how upset she was to pack up her things. We had technically concluded it with a truce before we joined Tommy, but there was still some slight tension between us because of everything that had transpired in the last few weeks.

Luckily, our appearance together was made easier by having Seth as a buffer, and I hoped no one would notice how I stared at her. It didn’t matter on what terms we were on, I knew I couldn’t help stare at her lovingly because she was amazing whether she was annoying me with her decisions or not.

We had spoken quite a bit and allowed our frustrations to be released with words at my house and at the house she shared with John but actions spoke louder than words and I really just wanted to regain what we had before it all changed.
I was never a man that was drawn in by what the world had to say yet I allowed that to happen with Nicole. It was hard not to when she was such a public figure.

“Are you okay?” I questioned as we walked down the hallway closely together, having left the signing room for a much needed break.

She seemed surprised by the question as if she were surprised that I actually cared, and I hated that’s how things were and I didn’t want that anymore. “I know you said that I had no need to apologize, but I am sorry for being so harsh with you, Nicole.”

“I hurt you” She mumbled as a reason for me to let me know it was okay, but I hated being aggressive with anyone, especially her.

“That doesn’t justify it. I have been cold with you and Tommy when I know he was just being a good friend to you. I don’t know, maybe its because a small part of me always had doubt” I shrugged as I had been patient yes and had done my best not to pressure her for answers for the most part but it hadnt come easy.

“Doubt about what?”

“That you would leave John for me and I know you have been convincing me for so long but that doubt caused me to forget each time of your love for me when something would happen” I explained as it was new to me.

I had shared my life with someone just like she had and even though she hadn’t been married, she still believed like I had that she would be spending the rest of her life with him. I hadn't gone looking for anyone after the divorce because I had a job I was passionate about and my kids, but then she was there, and suddenly, all the forgotten feelings of wanting and needing someone resurfaced.

Yet, what we shared couldn’t be compared because it wasn’t under the best circumstances, and it happened fairly quickly.

The bond we formed.

“I hate that you feel that way. I told you that day when I moved out that you have nothing to be concerned about. I guess I will have to prove it to you by being here with you forever.”

Shelter // NIKKI BELLA | AJ STYLESWhere stories live. Discover now