32▼ BOMBS dropped.

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"Maybe it was naïve of me.
To fall in love so quickly."
Sarah Doughty


“I might just permanently move in just so I can be with her all the time” I whispered as Birdie fell asleep in my arms.

“Is that the only reason you want to move in or because you are avoiding John?” I heard her and rolled my eyes even though she couldn’t see.

I had been lovingly staring into my nieces eyes for the last half hour and she just ripped me out of the dreamy state by her words.

“Why would you think that I was avoiding John?” I questioned while not letting my smile falter as I stared at little, sleeping Birdie.

I loved being an aunt more than anything in the world, maybe it was because for so long I believed it would be the closest I would get to being a mom.

Being Coco just brought me a happiness I couldn’t describe.

“Because I have seen you decline his calls and this house is not that big, so I would have heard you call him back. What is going on?” She questioned as she took Birdie from my arms and moved down the hallway to lay her down a bit.

I had been thinking a lot about what I wanted to do for the last month since Brie had given birth. I had been staying with her and Bryan to help and be closer to the rest of my family. They had of course asked when they would be seeing John but I tried my best to get out of it even though I knew they would ask again.

Normally they just accepted that he was a busy guy, due to the engagement they wanted to see us together but that wouldn’t be happening. I needed to tell them before I even thought of letting the world know that my heart no longer belonged to John. I just didn’t know when that would be happening.

“I…” I began as she made her way back into the lounge area.

“Please be honest with me. I already feel like we have become disconnected since you returned and then I was pregnant. Both of our lives have changed so much since last year and I hate that it has resulted in us not having enough time for one another” She voiced as she took the seat opposite me on the other side of the couch.

“That’s my fault” I nodded.

“Not really. I get that you had a crazy schedule...” She sighed which had been what I had continuously told her and everyone that asked why I didn’t come home much.

I ran a hand through my hair and briefly glanced at the two dogs sleeping on the other couch before I focused on Brie, “I did, but I have been avoiding you as well and it’s not because I was sad that you were pregnant. I was the happiest and still am to see you welcome motherhood into your world when you have struggled for so long and been disappointed many times before. I am always happy to see you get the things we both want, even if I never got it at times, that would never take away how much joy I feel seeing it show up for you. You are my twin and seeing you happy and experiencing the things you want will always make me happy.”

“It makes me feel good to hear that. I am sorry if I offended you by thinking you were, but it was just a new experience not having you around so much. I didn’t know what to think really, so why were you avoiding me?” She frowned while I remained quiet and she continued. “Because you and John are having problems? I know I can be a pain sometimes, but I don’t mean to be. I never want you to feel like you can’t speak to me about things that happen with him.”

“Its not that I don’t feel comfortable speaking to you, Brie. It’s just that a lot has happened since I returned and not just with my storylines but in my personal life.” I knew I was beating around the bush but how was I going to admit to my other half that the man I had been in love with and believed to be my soulmate I no longer felt that way about.

Shelter // NIKKI BELLA | AJ STYLESWhere stories live. Discover now