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"And she was always blind
to the fact that love, too,
is sometimes broken."
Rm Drake



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"John.." I whined and he frowned lifting his head seeming confused. "Nevermind" I smiled and sat down beside him and rested my head on his shoulder.

We had walked beneath the mistletoe which on a normal holiday he would have pulled me underneath and tipped me over with a loving kiss but he seemed distracted. I didn't blame him though, he was busy as always and the fact that he was able to fly down to Phoenix for Christmas was amazing. Many of the wrestlers hadn't been so fortunate as most of them were stuck here as well away from their families.

I placed a soft kiss on his cheek before making my way to the kitchen to join Brie and hugged her from behind before I rubbed my hands over her belly.

"Omgosh I almost thought you were Bryan" She giggled which led to me laughing as well.

"So Bryan has two melons rubbing up against your back?" I held back any further laughter as she rolled her eyes.

We had just finished a good lunch that we all had prepared, well minus my love as his flight had been delayed so he had just flown in and gotten here as soon as he could. He caught my eyes briefly on him and winked at me before giving a teethless smile that showed the dimples I had fallen for so many years ago and I smiled in return before focusing on my other half.

"You know its still weird seeing that belly so huge." I stared at the bump very visible as she wore a white dress that hugged it beautifully.

"I know, I will be missing it though" She sighed giving it a gentle rub and I smiled with a mixture of emotions.

Ever since I got the call to go on the road back in August I hadn't really seen Brie which had been pretty much the time that she found out about her pregnancy

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Ever since I got the call to go on the road back in August I hadn't really seen Brie which had been pretty much the time that she found out about her pregnancy. Maybe it was because she was glowing more than ever, a similar glow to when she married Bryan but even greater. Don't get me wrong, I was ecstatic for my sister, I was just slightly sad that we were not going on the journey together. We had always planned it all together, her me and JJ would raise our happy family together and JJ had a headstart and she was trailing behind. I was content in my life with John but it didn't mean I didn't long for the things I always wanted.

Shelter // NIKKI BELLA | AJ STYLESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora