Chapter 8 || The Secret's Out

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Sabrina's POV

I woke up Olivia and the others except for Reyton here . I giggled at the thought of Reyton.

"What's going on?" Corey asked while rubbing his eyes.
"Yea." Olivia said also rubbing her eyes.

"Shhh" I said while pointing towards Rowan and Peyton.

"Aww I knew it." Olivia said suddenly getting all excited.
"We all knew it" Leo chuckled.

We all started laughing softly. But it got louder and soon we have woken up the prince.

Peyton's POV

"Ahhhhh" I yawned. Rubbing my eyes. I opened my eyes and immediately it widened.

Why is everybody looking at me...Why are they all smiling...

I looked around me. Then I realized why.

Rowan.She looked so cute while sleeping.

She was the only one sleeping.

"What are you guys all looking at me for..." I asked rubbing the back of my head.

"You and Rowan. " Sabrina said while smirking.

They all smirked.

"Dude you didn't told me you liked Rowan." Corey said while punching my arm as a joke.

"Erm..." I couldn't say anything.

"How long have you two been together exactly?"

"Erm... since last night..."

I tried looking away while I kinda blushed . Yes my fave turned red.I could feel all their eyes staring at me . Right into my soul. It was so creepy.

"Don't you guys have anything else to do???" I questioned

They all shook their heads .

I gave them the "seriously?" Look

They all laughed again. This time waking up Rowan.

Rowan's POV

I sat up.opened my eyes. Stretched. I turned around and saw everyone looking at me. It was the creepiest thing ever. Can you imagine waking up and turned around and see all your friends staring at you. Into your soul?

" Why are you guys looking at me like that????"

I questioned and was hoping to get answer.instead...

"Good morning Princess. Your prince have been waiting for you." Leo joked.

"What?" I was confused.

"Good morning..." Peyton said while blushing.

Oh right him... Now I get it... Wait how did they know??

"Good morning?  "

I got up and sat across them.

Peyton got up and sat beside me.

Again with the staring...


They all just kept on staring.

"Oh please , like you didn't saw this coming. We have a thing. Move on..." I said over frustration.

Peyton patted me on the back. He knew that I wasn't happy. He is such a nice guy.

Aww he cares.

" So we're just all gonna go out to work guys can stay here." Sabrina said.

"I wanna go." I raised my hand. Force of habits.

"Nope too late. Good bye."

She said while walking out the door with the others in front of her.

They left me alone in her house. With Peyton . This is so awkward. It was all silent in the room. We tried starting a convo but nothing came out of our mouth. Until, finally he said something.

"So... How's last time? Were you nicely tucked to sleep?" He said rubbing his back of his head.

I love it when he does that it looked so freaking cute.

"Yea. Very nicely." I said smiling.

" So... Do I get a reward?" Peyton said while pointing to his lips. He is obviously trying to drop hints for me to kiss him.

I tilted my head and stared at him .

" Fine." I finally gave in.

I leaned in and kissed him in his cheek.

"Oh come on." He pouted.

He looked so cute. Can he not.

"Come on . You know you can't resist me." He said while smirking.

He tried leaning in to kiss me I just moved away . He ended up chasing me around the room for a kiss. He finally caught me. He pushed me the wall and handcuffed my hands onto the wall with his. I tried escaping but I was too weak for him.

"Can't escape now can Ya?" He laughed.

"Peyton let me go!" I said

He tried leaning in I kept on moving my head.

"Hold still Row." He smirked again .

I blushed spans stopped moving when he said that.

Oh my gawd he sure can make me blush red so hard.

He kissed me while I wasn't paying attention. I could feel his lips on mine he kept on kissing. I moved my lips along with his. It felt like a 10 minutes kissed. We finally pulled a part all breathless.

"I love you...." He said while panting .

All I did was smile and hugged him.

"Awwwww..." A bunch of voices said .

-Author's Note-

I know this isn't long but I'm kinda lazy to continue typing it's almost 12 am I'm tired and so ill just leave u hanging there if it's even hanging.
Follow my Instagram .
Bye guys .

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