Chapter 16 || Run

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[Please note that any error I'm not responsible for cause this is not checked through because I don't have the time same as the other chapters. okay enjoy I hope read my other book too]

Peyton's POV

After filming I plan to just hang out with Rowan. Spend some alone time. but we have to keep it a low profile. so we are just going to act as friends. I mean we are actors how hard can it be?


I walked up to her and place my arm on her shoulders.

"Hey Row,wanna go hang ?" I asked

"Sure. where you wanna go?"

"How about...The mall? "


We went to our dressings rooms and changed back to our normal clothes .I waited for Rowan outside the studio .

"Ready ?" I asked .

"Yup." she said popping the P.

We headed to my car and we drove to the mall.

-At the Mall-

We were walking around the mall just strolling . I intertwined our fingers together and swing our hands back and forth. I was smiling like an idiot.

Suddenly the hand in mine disappeared.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked .

"Because remember . we can't be seen in public as a couple." She said while placing her hand beside her waist.

"Oh yea. But we are alone and you can't resist me." I smirked at her.

She playfully pushed me.

"Oh shut up. I so can."

"Oh really?" Still have that smirk on my face.

"Yup starting from now :p"

"Fine be that way . "

We continued walking but I remained silent the entire time. Rowan tried making me talk but I didn't give in.

"Come on Pey say something."


"Come on don't make this a boring hang out."


She then hugged me and looked straight up at me right into my eyes giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"Please talk to me ."

I knew she couldn't resist .


"Yay!" She jumped a little in joy like a little kid.

"See told you you couldn't resist me." I said with a bigger smirk on my face .

"Just walk..."

I chuckled and continue walking.

We ended up going to Starbucks . I ordered us some drinks and we were just sitting down chatting and drinking.

Suddenly two teenage girls walked up to us and asked if we would take a picture with them . of course we said yes. We started having a little conversation . until they asked that one question...

"So are you guys dating ?" One of them asked.

Rowan and I exchanged glances .Our eyes grew wider.

"Uh...." That was all that came out of Rowan .

"You shouldn't be asking that . And why can't we just be friends ? Why does it look like we are dating ?" I said hoping that was good enough .

"Oh sorry. " they both said.

"It's cool."

Phew.That was a close one.

Minutes pasts and more fans came in. and started taking pictures and asking questions. Until it reach a point where there were too many. we could barely even escape the crowd.
They wouldn't let us go.

"We have to leave . now." I whispered to Rowan.
She nodded.

"Excuse me everyone but we gotta go now so..." we tried walking out but everyone just kept surrounding us.

"Just run okay?" I said to Rowan.

"Huh?" She said giving me a confused look.

I grabbed her hand and pushed them out of the way till we were out of starbucks.

"Glad that's over." I said while smiling

"Um.. Pey... " Rowan said she looked Iike she couldn't move. frozen





I turned around to see a whole mob of fans running towards our direction.

"Oh shit." I said while taking a few steps before running. I grabbed Rowan wrist and started running.

The whole mon ran right behind us with flashing cameras or recording of us.they were mostly screaming and fangirling . everyone at the mall was looking at us as we run.

What never seen a Disney star with his co-star running like a Mad Dog in the mall getting mobbed by fans before ?


We just continue running .

Author's Note Important!

Okay I know it's been like 130582817628492 years since I last updated. but I've been stuck idk how to continue and also been busy with Instagram and my Instagram atm is not really active. but it's because my moms back for the week . and I need this time to spend some quality time with my mom like a normal person would like to have . so hope you understand. I do try very hard to update a new chapter also on my Instagram . so yea .

Follow my social media :3

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