Chapter 17 || Oh crap.

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Peyton's POV

Sweat dripping down my spine as we ran towards the car. A mob of fans chasing behind us. Not wanting to leave us alone. Luckily,we were ahead of them. Stopped and his around the corner of the building,hoping that no one saw us. We waited for the right moment then , we were off running to the car . We got in and started the car . Not knowing where to go . All we know is away from the mall.

Next to me I hear heavy breathing.I turned and took a quick glance at Rowan."Are you okay?" I asked while looking ahead towards back on the road. She took in a deep breath."Yea I'm fine. Just needed to catch my breath.I don't run very often.Just a little out of shape."I nodded as an indication that I understood . While still facing the road."So now where're we going?" She looked towards me. Waiting for an answer.
I honestly have no idea where we were heading. But I have to make a decision before we go round in circles. "Back to the studio? We could hang out in our dressing rooms or the set." I mentally gave myself a pat on the back for thinking of such a great idea. "Okay." There was a moment of silence till..."So what are we gonna do about what just happened back there ?" I was confused. Then I remembered . The mob chase . I just shrugged,"I don't know. Forget it? Besides it doesn't matter." I could feel her staring at me."What?" she rolled her eyes at me. "Aren't you forgetting? We made a promise to our director and manager that we would keep a low profile. After what happened,it's not gonna be low profile anymore. You know the media." That's when i remembered out promise. " Oh crap."

What were we going to do?We are heading back to the studio.Where they might be still working in.I was too focused on the situation and the road that I totally forgot Rowan was beside me still." So?" I was snapped back to reality."We could...just tell them we were hanging out as friends. And besides we didn't tell any of the fans we were on a date or anything .What could possibly go wrong?" She seemed relieved,"Okay then."She smiled at me.

Yeah...What could possibly go wrong...

HEYYYYY so i updated hope you guys like it . I'm trying to use less dialogue and more descriptive ? Sentences ? I think . I know it was short . But at least I tried .

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Instagram:@girlmeetsworldrsp //@forcesofstarco

Enjoyyyyy <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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