Chapter 10 || Just around the corner

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*after the beach,the next day*

Rowan POV

Sigh...another day of school...

I woke up , got dressed and headed down the stairs.

"Good morning sweetie."
Mom said

"Morning mom"
After said I grabbed my bag and opened the door.

"Aren't you gonna eat?"
Mom asked.

"I'm not hungry. Bye mom love ya."

"Bye sweetie!"

*arrived at school*

Look there's Sabrina and Olivia.

I walked over to them.


"Hi!" "Hey!"
They greeted back.

"Great sleepover the other day." I said

"Yup." Olivia said being more cheerful then usual.

"Okay what's up "Olivia I said.

"What do YA mean?" She asked.

"You're usually extremely happy when something good happens." Sabrina said.

"Okay fine I'll tell you. After the beach party... Leo asked me on a date and we are a thing now." She blushed.

"Awww I'm so happy for you liv!" I said

"Yea congratz U got what u wanted!" Sabrina said .

"Thanks guys."Olivia said."so...Wheres UR boyfriend." she smirked at me.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Peyton!" Sabrina said.

"Oh.Right.Peyton. lol" I laughed "he's great."

After chatting by our lockers, we walked towards class. Right when I was about to walk around the corner suddenly Olivia and Sabrina pushed me back.


They both just stared at me then at each other then back to me.

They don't seem happy.

"What's wrong? Why did u push me?"
I asked as I walked towards the corner.

They immediately pulled me back .

Sabrina said. "You can't walk there now."


"Because..."Olivia voice trailed off.

"What are you guys hiding just tell me . I'm your best friend ."

"Okay promise you won't run off crying?" Sabrina asked.

"Why would I cry?"

"Just promise us?" She said

"I promise"

"Okay so we saw...Peyton ...and...G kinda flirting at each other." Olivia said.

I stood there silent.

"Rowan?" Sabrina said.

"Look what happened to you.poor thing." Olivia said.

I just leaned against the lockers and slowly slid down till I'm on the ground.

That's when Leo came.

"Hi guys!" He said.

Then he saw me and asked," What's up with Rowan"

Olivia whispered something into his ears and he looked around the corner and back at me.

"Oh..." he said .

"Don't worry Row." Sabrina said.

"Yea don't worry I'm going to talk to him." Leo said trying to comfort me.

"Don't bother talking to him. Im done with him. I knew it was too good to be true."

"Rowan..." Olivia and Leo said.

I walked towards the other direction and headed for class which sadly none of my friends are in except Peyton. I don't even want to treat him as a friend anymore.

I'm so sorry for not updating this week has been very busy actually. anyway hoped you enjoyed this chapter. sorry if it armed too rushing.

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