Chapter 3: Action

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"Kusanagi Izumo, you owe me twice after this." A lady reminded the man before her who helped her out of the limousine.

"Yes, my lady. I shall create more new cocktail with red bean coating named after you." Kusanagi replied as the couple walked gracefully into the hotel.

At the same time, Kusanagi heard things from the disgruntled Fushimi, Munakata received an invitation from the richest man who organized this event. It was obviously a trap. Awashima's not only helped Kusanagi, she was acting under orders.

If she was attending the event, the mission would be looked after by the third-in-command. Fushimi was extremely "glad" about that. Zenjou Gouki nominated him claiming that he needed more training to become stronger and he would be able to protect people precious to him. That man in thirties pissed him off.


"How did HOMRA learn about this?" Munakata asked with a smile when Kusanagi Izumo contacted him requesting Scepter 4 to allow him to assist them. That man was doing everything since they were sort of short handed.

"Maybe they received invitation like you." Fushimi looked away obviously guilty.

"Doesn't matter. Awashima-kun needs a male partner to attend the event and he is the best choice as compared to any of my men. You're obviously too young to be her fiancé." Munakata justified himself.

"Don't discount yourself, Captain. You're obviously an excellent choice." Fushimi could not help but to comment in annoyance.

"An obvious target for assassination you mean, Fushimi-kun. Unfortunately I'm not in the mood to get another clansman killed and piss my men off and I'll not put Awashima-kun at risk as a shield." Munakata retaliated.

"You're pissing me off." Fushimi walked off in a huff.

Munakata watched the back of the mad young man who closed the door behind him.

He thought of the possibility that Hisui Nagare was behind this. They had taken over the Gold Clan's Mihashira tower before the Silver Clansmen and the newly awakened Red King of HOMRA with her two clansmen fought them forcing them to retreat. Technically, HOMRA had control over the Mihashira tower until Kushina Anna decided to hand the control of the tower to him. To her, the bar was enough.

This time as the Silver clansmen were involved, things were even more complicated. Unlike the other time, their purpose was purely to accept Kamamoto's request to rescue Anna. Unless it involved their missing King. Maybe they knew something he did not.

His gaze fell on the file on the report he had written for slaying Suoh Mikoto to review the case in preparation of today's mission.

He wondered if the that special group who worked under the Gold King would show themselves this time. Munakata recalled a group of USAGI came to retrieve Suoh's body after he impaled him with his sword. One of them seemed different from the rest. As for how different, he would determine himself when they meet again.

Only time would tell. It was time for him to move out.


"Mikoto." Anna called his name looking out standing at the overhead bridge alone.

"Do you think they'll be able to bring Mikoto back?" Passer-by could not see but she was talking to an invisible entity.

Anna could hear the reply. The voice was muffled with static but she could hear him.

"It's okay, I can get back myself. Nice to meet you." Anna closed her eyes as she felt the presence vanished.

"It's subtle but it's warm. He knew my name." Anna told Kamamoto who came to pick her up. Kamamoto was confused but he would agree with Anna. Kusanagi did not want to involve any of them for this mission and to focus on protecting Anna. Kamamoto admitted, compared to Scepter 4, their battle power were all time low and Anna would not take in any more new Clansman claiming that she accepted the Dresden Slate's as she just wanted to protect her friends. Kamamoto and the rest wished they were stronger. He had hard time in trying to protect Anna from being captured back then. Even with the help of the Black Dog and the cat Strain, Anna was still ended up captured, just because he was weak and helpless.

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