Chapter 8: Lost Memory

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"Neko-san what do you wish to have for breakfast today?" Kusuhara asked glancing at her over the menu. Kuroh had never returned so it was just the two of them.

Neko was still looking distracted after the sharing session he done the day before. Was she worried about Shiro?

"Don't worry, I'm sure Yashiro-san will end this and the three of you can live happily ever after." He said trying to cheer her up. Neko was still staring out of the window in her own world. Not only that Kusuhara noticed that she dressed up like in a peasant kind of dress today and she seemed different.

"Before I met Shiro, I worked for other kings." She began. Kusuhara almost toppled his cup of coffee he wanted to drink from.

"What?" Kusuhara could not believe his ears. Neko continued to talk.

"I worked for the old man you worked for. He needs me to wipe others off their memories for the bad things they do." Kusuhara paid attention to her. He was not too surprised. There were a number of strains who were hired by the Gold Clan if they proved to be competent and there was no need for the King to draw out their potential.

"Why're you telling this this?" He averted his gaze from her when he said this.

"I want to let you know as if I'm to betray Shiro, stop me, Takeru." Neko grabbed his hands suddenly. This time round he could not stop the coffee cup from toppling over as the coffee was spilled over their table. Kusuhara noticed tears spilling down her cheek.

"Look, can we take this out on private? Let's talk after breakfast." He whispered. He was not good at comforting ladies but he was sharp enough to prevent spilling of information.

Neko nodded understanding his stand. She skillfully did what she needed to wipe off everyone in the restaurant of their memories in case they heard her.

He had heard afterwards of what Neko did. How she ended up working for the Gold King and most importantly, she used to be a Purple Clansman.

She did all these so that her King could be happy.

"Ultimately, do you think it's worth it?" Kusuhara asked carefully. They were back in their room. Neko shook her head frantically. She did not know. Her King died and was awakened as a King once more but he never called for her. He had forgotten about her because she erased his memories. Neko was really sad as he became Shiro's enemy Shiro would fight and Neko was torn in between after finally realising who Totsuka Tatara was and breaking her own seal to her locked memories. She broke into tears as Kusuhara awkwardly took her into his arms.

Neko truly regretted her deed after painfully erasing a woman's memories of her niece who was a Strain. That was the last mission she did for the Gold King before wiping her own memories to lead a new life. She thought it was fine after seeing how happy Tatara was surrounded by his friends he desired to remain with. It was okay he did not remember her. Perhaps if she never erased her own memories, she would never meet Shiro and be able to love him.

"Help me, will you? Shiro is really angry." Neko literally begged. She was a lot smarter than she looked. Kusuhara did not expect that she was XX His excellency mentioned in his report. She was the one who handled rewriting of the memories of those innocent involved in Mizuchi Koushi's facility and his experiment. They should not be made known about the existence of the strains and the experiments they did to them.

There was no way Shiro would not notice. He wondered what he would do next. He needed to improvise then.

Kuroh dodged an incoming strike of the sword by the Awashima as soon as the lift opened. She could have killed him if he had let his guard down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2020 ⏰

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