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On Halloween I think Neil would go all out with matching costumes and the whole month of October he would constantly try to scare you where possible.

Both you and Todd would prefer a quieter night in on Halloween opting to carve pumpkins and watch a movie.
He'd probably put a bed sheet on and pretend to be a ghost if Neil forced him to go out.

Halloween is Charlie's favourite holiday so he loves to go full out.
He makes sure to make your costumes a big reveal to others and always picks something unique each year.
He definitely used to steal sweets of children when he was younger.

Ones of Knox's favourite things to do at Halloween is to visit a pumpkin patch.
You'd both have wheelbarrow races around the grounds and just have complete fun with it.
You usually carve your pumpkins and share coffee whilst doing so.

Meeks isn't really used to doing much for Halloween but you managed to drag him to a party the first year you were together and ever since he's loved it.
You both tend to prefer dressing as something funny rather than a cute couples costume.

On Halloween you and Pitts would go shopping and buy a massive amount of sweets and snacks and then give them out to trick or treaters.
He'd also dress up his pets in costumes and take hundreds of pictures of them.

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