You get your period

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He's really soft with you when that time of month comes.
He'd let you borrow his jumpers and you'd bake together.
When you get bad cramps he gives the best comfort, rubbing your stomach and kissing your cheek.

You never really brought it up to him but he knows.
Especially when it's really bad, he'll be quiet and listen to your every need.
Will leaves notes in your room and presents.

You both argue a lot during that week, he always loses though.
Will literally cuddle with you for hours.
Tells you lots of jokes and tickles you.
He gets annoyed that you guys can't do the nasty for a week.
At the end of the day he's a big softie for you.

Talks to his mother about it
Always knows how to make you feel better🥺
Will literally curl up with you on the couch and play with your hair at night.
Isn't afraid to buy products for you.
Brings you snacks to share:)

Still let's you share his bed during your period.
He always asks how you are and checks in on you.
Has a hot water bottle and towels stored for when you stay.

Will literally wrap you up in blankets.
Best snuggle buddy>>>
You both watch a lot of movies together to pass time.
You'd eat a lot of junk food together.
The boys would complain that he spends too much time with you.

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