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The taste of vomit as it passed between my open jaws filled me with shame and regret. I ran away again. From my own parents. Though there was a good excuse for it, I would've probably emptied my stomach right in front of them if I didn't. But even so; I probably would've ran anyway.

I heave again, reminding myself of the sickness that's just dawned over me in a matter of seconds. Stupid therapy, stupid cancer.

In between heaves I curse myself for this stupid illness and the hard choices it has left me with: give up my career and my slow ride to fame, erase my social life and my hard work doesn't even matter anymore.

I should try to swallow the pills again and regain all of that in another life. I wipe the bile from my lips, staring at the mashed up food drifting in the toilet water. I feel...pensive.

There was the pasta, still mostly intact; there was the salad, limp and half crushed; there were the sweet potatoes, coloring the majority mass of chewed-swallowed bread that I had this morning. The taste in my mouth wasn't sour. No, it feels waterlogged and almost fresh.

There's a knock at the toilet cubicle and I freeze. "Are you alright in there miss?"

I sigh with realisation that I am, in fact, in a public restroom. "I'm fine thank you. Just some... bad breakfast."

There's a giggle behind the door and clicks of heels on their way to the exit. "Okay then, take care."

The door clicks shut and I'm alone at last. I cough and spit out an errant corner of spinach before getting up to flush all of that away.

Unlocking the door, I rush over to the sink to rinse the involuntary tears that have streamed down my eyes and the mucus hanging from my nose. I scrub vigorously at my palms and fingers with citrus-scented soap. This is new, normally they'd just put out some dull looking bottle that would smell like strong bleach.

I should really think about cleaning my teeth again but for a solid five minutes, or maybe empty a whole bottle of Listerine in my mouth, there's nothing quite like the smell of stomachthroatmouth slime that always followed regurgitation.

My hand shoves itself into my front pocket and I pull out a packet of mints. Popping one in my mouth, I give myself one last look in the mirror before leaving the restroom. I should find Asami before she thinks I've ran off again, she'd send the calvary if I wander around too long or worse she might send Lin after me.

Lin isn't a problem because when I round the corner, she's got herself captivated by Kya in the hallway. They're chatting up a storm and Lin doesn't even notice me walk past. For a minute I thought she'd suddenly switch off from Kya and chase after me, ranting and raving about how I've missed my session. But I know she won't, and besides it's not my fault that I missed it, my parents decided to show up a little earlier than expected.

Without even knowing where my feet are taking me, I find myself at the far end of the oncology ward, just outside of Bolin's room. Through the glass I can see him tucked away in bed, Mako by his side. I heard he had a pretty bad episode yesterday, trouble breathing- that's what I overheard anyway. My hand raises on its own, readying itself to knock and the glass but a voice stops me.


There's gravity laced inbetween the threads of green in her eyes, she keeps me here and I hope I have the same affect on her. "Asami."

"Are you feeling okay?" She asks once she finally steps towards me.

I nod, trying to forget the little scene in the restroom. "I'm fine. Where are my parents?"

I'll learn to dance in the rain [korrasami]Where stories live. Discover now