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inobaka <3:
what the fuck do ppl even do at a company

sit and stare at Excel??

idk webtoons only ever show how they send emails and announce projects

well and do the dirty in meeting rooms

but been there done that

sugar daddy #1:
wouldn't mind doing that again

inobaka <3:
yk when I first met you

I ddint think you'd have a high sex drive

but look at you

sugar daddy #1:
thats only bc of you

inobaka <3:
cuz of me?


u couldn't get off on porn or sumthin

sugar daddy #1:
I used to work till I passed out

I didnt have time for that stuff

u r the reason why j do lots of stuff

like get home earlier

inobaka <3:

im amazing

sugar daddy #1:
yes u r

inobaka <3:
stop being cute

sugar daddy #1:
I just agreed with you??

inobaka <3:
ppl usually insult each other

sugar daddy #1:
by people you mean zenitsu and sabito?

inobaka <3:


I rewatched twilight today

Edward was a pervert

never wanna watch that move again

jk ill watch it for the vampire doctor again

sugar daddy #1:
im jealous again

inobaka <3:
over a fictional vampire?

sugar daddy #1:

inobaka <3:


I actually texted u

to tell u sonething

so u won't be shocked once u get home

sugar daddy #1:

are you okay?

inobaka <3:



0 days sober ig

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