153 3 15

do you still love me?

gonpachiro <3:

holy mother of christ

gonpachiro <3:
every thing okay?????

never have you answered so fast when you were at work

got scared for a second

gonpachiro <3:


well at the beginning you also used to text me like all the time but then came our lore

gonpachiro <3:

inotan lore

gonpachiro <3:
you gave us a shipname?

everything for the supreme love ma dahling

gonpachiro <3:
do you know what Supreme means?

like smth level 1000000 but thats not the point here rn

gonpachiro <3:
I suppose not

also kinda hurt that you thought I use words i don't know the meanings of??

gonpachiro <3:
you do that though

can't deny that but no need to call me out on my bullshit
5 minutes ago

gonpachiro <3:
won't you explain the meaning behind your first message there??

im worried yk??

can't we leave that message alone? its an introvert and shy

also insecure

gonpachiro <3:

I know you're not going to talk abt this when I get home so please explain it now

home (:

makes one happy to hear that tbh


there you go again calling me out on my bullshit

gonpachiro <3:
do you not feel loved?

I feel unlovable

like im lacking?

like there's something abt me that keeps everyone at friendships distance and you idk

it doesn't make sense

like I have been gone for 2 years

and the insecurities abt myself have gotten a level up

the fact that I just left yall is also unjustifiable

I also don't understand how you can like like me??

qlso i lost my funny so there's less to like abt me now

Take A Break And Love Me [InoTan] -chatficWhere stories live. Discover now