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where are you?

we have a meeting today

And the project should be done soon

friend #1:

sorry I can't come today

can you tell Mitsuri to cancel the meeting for today and reschedule it to tomorrow at 1

we are already behind because you weren't there for a week last time

we can't afford to make mistakes right now

friend #1:
have we ever made mistakes?

don't stress over it


but we need to stress about it. it's one of the most important projects we had

if we succeed we will be on the top

you can't get lazy all of a sudden

we will lose all our buissnes partners

friend #1:
just like you lost sabito because of work?

this has nothing to do with work

friend #1:
you literally broke up with him because of work

I bet he thought you love work more than him

you know it's not true

I did it for the company

friend #1:
He doesnt know that

Tomioka you literally gave up the love of your life for work

okay but what does it have to do with you

do you just want to let the company burn to the ground?

because of who? that angry dude?

listen I got successful because I left my emotions behind and concentrated on work. now I have enough money, good work, and fame

if you let him go you will have a good life

who knows maybe in like 5 years you'll be a millionaire

friend #1:
you're right


friend #1:
but you don't have someone you love right?

love and work are 2 completely different things

friend #1:
you didn't talk to any of us for 2 weeks because you were sad

don't tell me you want to live like that

I'm over him

friend #1:
yeah yeah ofc

you still didn't delete his pictures, or his number

you just blocked him and read those messages over and over again

you look miserable

And I don't want to end up like you

I really like Inosuke

be sure to bring the documents tomorrow

And don't be late

The assistant of the Ubuyashiki Family will be there

friend #1:
you don't even listen to me

don't fuck this up

It's important

I know you're my boss but right now you don't act like one

Take A Break And Love Me [InoTan] -chatficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang