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(n.) things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence


"Do you think they'll be able to stomach witches

"On top of a nogitsune?" Andrea shifted her weight from one heeled foot to the other, her hair in a tight braid that dangled on her left shoulder. "No, we can leave that one out for now. I'll just tell them you have connections."

Kyle watched cautiously at his younger sibling, she looked the same but so different simultaneously, it worried him. "Can I ask you a personal question?"
Azure eyes darted in her brothers direction, a gentle nod being the confirmation he needed. "Is there an expiry date to your resurrection?"

Andrea hesitated, cautiously putting away each spell jar she had made. She knew eventually she was going to have this conversation and to be honest she was surprised he hadn't asked sooner. "Possibly," She whispered back. "I mean the nogitsune brought me back when I was possessed by it's spirit. When we kill it there's a very real possibility that I'll die along with it."

Kyle let out a harsh breath of air, one hand raising to block his face when she stood straight to come to him in comfort. "Oh," He choked out, wiping his eyes to rid himself from the onslaught of emotions that were bringing themselves to the surface. "—it's just that you know I died, when you died so while I figured that was the answer you were going to give me—it doesn't feel any better hearing it." Composing himself quickly and rebottling the emotions that crept through the cracks, he was seemingly as good as new. "Anyways, what did you end up getting from the witch?"

"You know, she has a name." Andrea ignored his sadness, she knew it was necessary for him to be worried, she didn't want to get his hopes up. "Sheila wasn't very happy that I just showed up at her doorstep, but we have some hex bags and a few protection jars. Nothing crazy but enough to ensure no unwanted spirits get into their homes. We at least need to have some safe spaces for security."

Kyle nods in agreement, his hand reaching out to grab one of the protection jars. "I really hope this works."

"Truthfully, it probably won't," The blonde confessed, zipping up her pouch and making her way to Derek's loft. "But, at least we gave it a shot."

The youngest Miller sibling slowed down when she realized Kyle was no longer trailing behind her. "I hope you understand, but I don't think that I'll be able to help you."

"Come on, Kyle?" The teasing smirk that spread across her face made reminded him more of the past than ever. "Don't tell me you're going to pussy out on me now. A little death isn't anything new for us, so just enjoy this while we can. Okay?"Despite his better judgment, he caved, following her into the car and riding passenger to the Hale's loft. "Aht, don't touch the radio. You know the rules. Driver picks the music."

Entering the loft, the siblings were finally met with the entire pack, a lanky whiskey eyed teen anxiously biting his finger as he stared at the blonde haired female. "Stilinski?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Your father found me and his mother," Pointing at Scott, she finished. "--pronounced me dead on arrival."

Nervously, or maybe that was just normal for this teenage boy, he responded. "Well, you don't look very dead to me. Hot but very much so alive."

"Right," She walked past him and set her pouch on the table. "Anyways, I only asked for all of us to be here so I can give you these." Unzipping the bag and pulling out the protection jars, she passed them around while the younger group curiously peered at the contents inside.

"Is that blood?"

"Obviously, its one of the most powerful binding agents in a spell. How don't you know that?"

Stilinski flinched the moment it touched his palm, the action not going unnoticed to Peter's past lover. "I don't think I want one."

Her brow raised, discretely stepping behind him to peek behind his ear but there was nothing there. "Why not?"

"Because it has blood inside of it and I am a fainter."

Lydia snatched the jar from her hand without a second question. "Perfect, more protection for me." Her jade eyes examined the contents a little longer before directing her attention to the woman before her. "Where did you get these? They look so old."

However, Andrea barely heard her question. Her focus completely averted to the spastic teenager that had moved to the other side of loft, his voice is a hushed whisper talking to his alpha. "That boy, the sheriff's son, what is he?"

"Stiles? Nothing," Lydia quipped. "He's a human ."

The strawberry-blonde walked away, her answer though, lingering with Andrea like an unwanted cold. She recognized the energy around him, the way he felt even standing so far away was so familiar. Andrea hadn't even realized how long she was staring at him until both of the Hale's strolled over to her, one standing on each side. "Whats wrong?"

"It's him, that boy is the nogitsune."

"How do you know?"

"I can feel it inside of him."

The moment the final syllable passed her lips, Stiles looked up at her, his whiskey brown eyes going a few shades darker as a sinister smirk flashed across his face and in that moment she knew she was right.

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