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(n.) a dull ache of the soul, a sick pining, a spiritual anguish


Derek frowned, his thick brows furrowing together at the question, completely bypassing the hostility in the older man's tone. "What do you mean? Andrea is dead."

"Clearly I know that, seeing as though she died because of you." He shot back, Kyle wasn't joking around, he was angry and held a grudge. "She was buried behind the shop and this morning I went back and her grave was dug up."

"And you think I had something to do with that?"

Kyle rubbed a hand over his face, the leather jacket he was sporting was worn down but it still fit him well. "I don't know what to think, but I didn't know who else would take the time to dig up her body other than you Hale's."

"It wasn't me."


As if on cue, heavy boot steps trailed down the staircase, his enhanced hearing picking up on a voice he hadn't heard in nearly a decade. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Reigniting the flame that Derek wasn't aware was there, Kyle Miller's face turned to stone at the sight of Peter Hale. "What did you do with my sister? She was at peace, whatever peace she could manage after you killed her and you have to screw things up again by digging up her grave?"

"Excuse me? How could I've dug her up? I don't even know where the hell you buried her."

"There was a reason for that, so things like this couldn't happen."

"We're all hurting, okay," Peter starts up again keeping a healthy distance away from the assassin whose hands were pressed deep within his jacket pockets, no doubt curled up into tight fists to contain his rage. "You aren't the only one who lost her and you must be a fool to come here and think that I would bother her body knowing that it's my fault she was buried in the first place. I know you hate me, but I also know that you know me better than that."

Kyle shook his head at the words directed towards him. " I shouldn't have come here. I'll find her myself."

"If she's missing you aren't going to be able to find her on your own." Derek trailed behind the retreating figure that looked so similar to his best friend that it made his chest throb. "Let us help you, if you have something of hers then we can track it down and find her quicker."

"What makes you think I would need your help?"

Stiles spoke this time, not really knowing why he was defending Peter and Derek, finally summing it up to they were family, no matter how much he hated Peter and didn't trust him as far as he could throw him—which wasn't very far at all. "If you didn't need their help then you wouldn't have drove all the way here to ask where her body went. A phone call would've been just as efficient."

Kyle scoffed at the sheriff's son, knowing those brown eyes from anywhere. "You're his son, that deputy who was in charge of her case." He looked him up and down then rolled his eyes. "I hated that man, giving me hope when they found her alive only to tell me she'd died on the way to the hospital." Tears were filling his eyes and he blinked them away angrily, pissed at himself for showing a weakness in front of the family that was the reason why his was so sparse. "She asked about you the whole way there," Kyle spat at Peter, shuffling around in his pockets until he pulled out a necklace with Peter's initials on them. "She wanted you to have this apparently."

Peter held the necklace he'd bought for her all those years ago, the idea of it seemed stupid but that little green monster inside of him found some sense of pride watching his girl walk around with his name broadcasted around her neck for all to see. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me, I'm not doing it for you. Just find her, she deserves to be buried in peace."

The three of them stayed still until the man had drove away, the purr of his engine fading away being the only sound. "Not to sound like a debby downer, but, do bones even have a smell?"

Peter sent the teenager a glare with his steely blue eyes as he gripped the sterling silver jewelry like a lifeline in his hands. "It was apart of her, so yes they will have a smell."

"Who would've taken the time to dig her up? She's been gone for years, why would they take her now?"

"I don't know, but I won't stop until I find out."

Derek should've been happy, proud that Peter had something now to tether himself too and hopefully make him more human instead of monster but this situation that they were suddenly immersed only made him feel like something bad was going to happen.

Peter Hale used to fight and kill because he had nothing to live for but now, there was a hope in his eye, a glint that meant he had something to fight for, he had something to kill for. It meant now, Peter had something worth dying for.

This chapter will be the start of it all, you are probably a little confused and maybe even a little worried because come on, Peter Hale...need I say more??

Enjoy the chapter and let me know how you feel about it in the comments.

Love ya💖

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