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(n.) the journey of changing ones mind, self, heart, or way of life


"I'm going to need some sort of explanation," Peter pressed on, following behind the blonde as she walked inside the loft as if she herself had owned the place and he tried his hardest to refrain from giving into the clenching in his chest at the thought. Her, there all the time so often that she was completely comfortable in her element—him and her just like the old times but he suppressed the fantasy brewing in his mind. "You can't just pop in and save our lives and warn us about this impending darkness that clearly has some sort of hold on you and not give further detail."

Andrea sighed loudly, avidly aware of the sets of eyes on her, a pair of blue and one of green both equally as intense. "That's exactly what it is actually, a darkness. It's very dangerous and it feeds on emotions that come so naturally to you and I. I came in contact with him the night of my death."

"So you were dead?" Derek prodded, thick bushy brows raised on his head. "That night you actually did die, it wasn't a ruse?"

"Of course not, I did die, but something happened and I was brought back."

Derek's brows furrowed. "By who? Who could possibly have that kind of power?"

Andrea crossed her legs that were previously swinging on the wooden table carelessly situated in the spacious loft. "I can only assume it was the dark spirit that's alive now, he needed a body to inhibit and I was the most vulnerable. It would make sense, the hold he had on me felt wrong."

"That's why you always disappeared before I could talk to you for long."

"He could bring me back at anytime but lately he hasn't been bothering with me which is why I had the chance to come and save you from the Calevera's."

Peter was thoughtful over what she was saying, this hands holding onto the tops of his arm as they were wrapped with one another. "If he's bored with you so to speak the only reasonable assumption would be that it found a new body to control."

"But why wouldn't he stay with you?"

"Maybe my body wasn't cutting it for him anymore, he most likely only used me out of convenance which means that whomever it's in now is a much better candidate. They're most likely more involved with the supernatural."

This however, didn't help much, more people in Beacon Hills were aware about the uprising supernatural epidemic the longer it was attacked by the boards that didn't seem to stop coming. "What would be the ideal body for it to host."

"Someone strong I would assume. The spirit that brought me back doesn't thrive off of power though, even though I'm sure it's more than helpful I would've been."

"What did it feel like? Harboring a dark spirit?"

Andrea blew out a breath of air, the feeling nearly indescribable. "It was evasive, it felt too full and very dark. Whatever it was is strong and it's power is so intense it made me feel sick, it feeds while it's inside of you but not on my body but more so of my emotions. It takes so much out of you and the weirdest part, it's like living in doubles, you can see and feel everything you're doing but once he takes control that's all you can do, watch."

"He can choose when he surfaces?"

She nods, blonde hair moving around on her shoulders. "Whenever he wants, but even when he wasn't controlling me I couldn't tell if it was me or him. It was very confusing and I would have lapses in my memory when he would take over."

Peter stood farther away than it seemed necessary but not only was he distancing himself away from Andrea, he was far enough away to attempt to see a bigger picture, an attempt to gather the information that he was so desperately trying to understand before she came to him and spoke for longer than just a few moments. "I suppose you were right then, this won't be easy for us to defeat, much less fend off."

Standing from her place, she shook her head to the sides even though she completely agreed. "It's not just that, Peter. Spirits that exude such dark energies attract others as well, some just as dangerous if not more."

"Have you seen them?"

"Yes, their are men wearing armor that are coated in a dark fog. They come in hoards, all stronger than the next and called upon to fend off these dark spirits."

Derek's arms were crossed, brows furrowed and his bottom lip tucked in the warm confines of his mouth. "That's good, right?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Andrea gave the best explanation she could without the complete knowledge she required for the situation. "I'd think so, but these creatures have no feeling, they have an endgame and that's to destroy this dark spirit, but they don't care who's body it kills. An innocent person could be killed in this supernatural crossfire."

"Welcome to Beacon Hills, some sacrifices are necessary."

The look sent Peter's way was something much less than pleased, one of shock and sadness knowing that the Peter she knew all those years ago were long gone. "It doesn't work like that, they haven't done anything wrong and I'm not going to just let them die in a fight they aren't even capable of winning."

Peter tried to shake off her speech, blue eyes cutting at her. "Can't save everyone."

"Is that what you said when you found out I died?" The man's silence was answer enough for her knowing very well that wouldn't have been his response. "What happened to you."

"So much more than you'll ever comprehend."

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