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(n.) An intense and irrational fear of death


Hales always found themselves in compromising situations, but this one had to be, by far the worst. Peter could barely recall what had happened, all he remembered was the loft door opening loudly, guns being shot, forcing the two to duck for cover and then darkness.

Peter blinked awake, squinting his eyes as they adjusted to the new lighting. Looking around he took in the room, it was rusted and dirty, made of wood and it was below ground, so a basement. Subconsciously moving his hands, he realized those were chained up above his head, his torso bare and exposed.

Derek was in a similar position beside him, his jaw clenched and green eyes guarded.

On the wall were all different sorts of tools, hammers, mallets, knives of all different sizes and shapes, guns, tasers, and one large machine with dials.

There was a man sitting on a chair, he looked older, rugged and definitely Mexican. "Where are we?"

"Finally, you woke up. I was beginning to wonder if I was only going to be able to play with your little nephew the whole time," Peter realized what he meant, just then taking in the blood already collected on said tools. "Hope you enjoyed your beauty sleep."

"Would've been better if it was voluntary but I can't complain."

The man chuckled under his breath, his cheeks lines with stubble, dirt and sweat. "We've been watching the two of you for a while now and we have some questions."

While Derek remained silent, Peter's sarcastic nature made it impossible for him not to respond. "Did you really have to tie us up to talk to us?"

"Precautionary measures, creatures such as yourselves are very unpredictable and we don't like surprises." The man walked over to the machine, dirtied fingers tracing over the dials, his other hand occupied with a large shot gun. "Just answer my questions and I'll let you go. Where is la loba?"

"La loba? Sorry buddy, we don't follow."

Pursing his lips, his hand hovered over one dial, tapping it tauntingly and peeking back at them. "Maybe I should put you back on track then?" Turning it up a few notches, both Hales grunted at the shock they received, their bodies shaking as the electric current pulses through them, the cage gate behind them forcing the current to move all through, not leaving an inch of skin untouched.

Derek phone buzzed against the dirty wooden table, the text messages and phone calls all being left unanswered with the simple click of a button.

When the shock was turned off, the younger Hale slowly glared at Peter, their hands suspended above them. "Why are you looking at me like this is my fault?"

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