Mini Rant

654 14 17

Me being mad again

Father : me and your mother care about you and respect you

Me : *tries not to yell since they never respect any of my goddamn opinions

I love my parents and i respect them and all but if I tell them something like "Hey mom and dad I am mentally severely ill and I have no clue what or why, hahah." Then they are gonna bombard me with questions and not treat me like a normal person.

And has your parents or literally anyone you care about say "Why cant you show more emotion" or "Why do you have a stone cold face?" "Why don't you smile more."

Please tell me I'm not the only one 

Cause when I heard that the first thing that I wanted to say is that 'Your aware that if I skile all the time it looks like I'm going insane' or was it ' Isnt that you guys cause your my parents and DNA and sh*t.'

Uh yeah ik there was more to this rant but I cant remember but yeah

If you can relate, can we suffer together <3


Anyways Ily and see you later :)

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