Lanzhu x Ayumu.

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During a beautiful night in Japan, lanzhu zhong and her girlfriend ayumu were visiting an amusement park. The two girls had been dating for about six months now, and were having plenty of fun so far. Lanzhu had a crush on the girl ever since she came to nijigasaki. The forceful idol tried to get ayumu to join the association as a means of getting close to her. When thet failed though, lanzhu just came right out and expressed her feelings for pomu. Of course the shy idol accepted her confession; cause no one shoots down lanzhu.

Currently the cute couple were waiting in line for the ferris wheel while sharing some cotton candy. "This is so good", pomu smiled. "Yeah it is. But a juicy hamburger would be so awesome right now". "We'll get one after the ride", ayumu assured. About this time, the two saw that it was there turn to board the ride. So lanzhu happily led pomu to their seat by the hand. Before the ride started, ayumu snuggled her head into the crook of lanzhu's neck. As the machine brought them up high, they could see beautiful stars twinkling in the night sky. The moon was also full and shining brightly; making this the perfect romantic scene for a couple.

"You know", ayumu spoke. "A lot of people love the fast and thrilling rides; but I'd have to say this one's my favorite. It let's you admire how beautiful everything is from a birds eye view". Upon hearing this, lanzhu confidently replied with. "If it's your favorite, then why don't I buy it for you. "Ummm that's okay, I don't think I need a ferris wheel", pomu giggled nervously.
"But I thought you said it was your favorite. If it is then it should be yours". "I promise I'm fine... besides my parents probably wouldn't approve". "If you say so", lanzhu shrugged.

Soon after this the ride ended, and lanzhu was more than ready to get those burgers she mentioned. So as she stood in line to buy a couple; ayumu found herself lost in thought. The second year really did enjoy dating the always exciting lanzhu, however sometimes she could be a bit much. Constantly wanting to flaunt her money around or trying to woo ayumu with expensive gifts. While this wasn't that big of an issue; the girl really needed to learn that money wasn't everything. The question was though, how could ayumu bring this up to her girlfriend without offending her.

Before she could process these thoughts, lanzhu had returned with the food. "Got us some real food!! Let's eat up". "Okay". While the two girls ate, ayumu seemed a bit distant; much to the notice of her girlfriend. "Is something wrong", lanzhu asked. "Your not eating very much. Momma always says plenty of meat makes you big and strong". "Well...I can't lie to you", ayumu sighed. "Something has been bothering me". "Oh, is it your form or dancing skills. If so, coming to the association can fix that right up", lanzhu giggled confidently. "No it's not that. And we've already talked about the association thing". "It's the way our relationship's been going". "Our relationship...whaddya mean?!", lanzhu replied.

"I...I feel like you can't have a good time with me unless your spending a ton of money". "What!? That's not true". Ayumu then decided to bring up some past moments to get her point across. "On our second date, I heard a song I like on the radio. And you said that you'd hire the singer to put on a show in my living room". "And I would would've been no problem for lanzhu", the girl smiled. "On our fourth date to the aquarium, you were mad cause there were a lot of people. So you wanted to rent out the entire building and run everyone else out". Hearing all of this on top of pomu's tone; made lanzhu get a little snippy. "Well what's your point...was I wrong for trying to show you a good time".

"No, not really", ayumu pouted. "I just think sometimes, you could you know...dial it back a little". "Dial it so?". "Well", ayumu thought. "Instead of all these elaborate dates you plan, a calm walk through the park would also be nice. Ooooh, or maybe a movie night at one of our houses. You know, simple little plans together". Upon hearing ayumu's ideas; lanzhu nearly cringed at how dull they all seemed. "Are you serious, that all sounds so boring. Nothing's wrong with spending makes the world go round. Everyone's happier with money in their pockets", lanzhu smiled. "Th-that's not true", pomu cried. "Yes it I think you need to change the subject".

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