A ginger can dream 🥺

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The sun sliced through the windows and a summer breeze kissed me good morning. I woke up. And as I woke up. My ratty fatty matty mother called be down stairs. "OI Y/N COME DOWN YOU MUSTY BOZO!" I growled at my mother. I hate her! Grrrrrrrr. I was about to turn into an alpha male but I resisted myself as I knew that my 3foot 2 body couldn't take the pain.

I sat at my vanity and brushed my long luscious lovely blond hair in and then put it in a messy bun. I didn't put any makeup on because I'm not like other girls. Not only am I the alpha but I'm quirky and different. I shoved on an over sized jumper to hide my petit body! I sighed, It's hard being quirky and different!

When I was waking. Walking down the stairs. I thought. Thinking. As I was thinking. I remembered. Remembered that one time my ratty fatty matty crusty musty dusty mother sold me to one direction. *gasps* what a day!

I came home from being bullied that day. All the other hoes were jealous of me because I was one of "da boyyyyzzz"! I walked into my brocen home with my brocen 3foot 2 body and gasped. *gasps when there was no need* "m-m-m-mum W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-Why is o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-one d-d-d-d-d-direction in our l-l-l-l-l-l-living room" I finally managed to stutter out! "I selling you because your an ugly flat whore" I burst into tears. Tears. Coming out of my round oceans sky beautiful blue orbz. "W-W-W-W-W-Why" I could help the sea salty tears. "Beacause your look like a discharged rat" my mother hissed! Harry styles came and put musculer arm round my shoulders. It felt nice. "It's ok darlin', me and da boyyyzzzzz have got your back!" My beautiful blue ocean sky blue lava green grass eyes gazed into his caca browns ones. "Ok" I whispered. And that was all I knew, he was the one...

However sadly, the one didn't last. As soon as we got into his car. They started to bully me. It musty be my petit body and my long Lucius ludicrously lovely blond hair. *sighed dramatically* this is when I couldn't take it! I started singing fight song and turned into alpha male. It was magical. I then growled and hissed and barked cutely at them. Then ate them. Grrrrrrrrrrr. And now to sum up, I'm back in my brocen home because I ate one direction!

~present day~
My tiny frail petit silky baby buns soft hands ran down the banisters. As I reached the bottom of the stairs my ratty matty fatty crusty musty whale mother was standing there. Her Botox ovi failing. "What" I growled at her my eyes showing a red hue. "You have a visited roach" my petit old men would definitely but my feet pics walked slowly to the door. A sound made love to my ears. Closer and closer I got the music got louder. Any sheerio fan would know that song. "Bad habitssssssssss" was it? No it can't be surely? All my life I have dreamed about this day. I have followed him around everywhere. I have been a number one sheerio! My hand slowly reached for our door (no door handle because our home was brocen like drako) . The door creeped open....



I put my glasses on and there before me was god before hand. Ed sheeran! But not just any Ed, Emo Ed sheeran!!!!!!!

I gazed and gazed into it blue ocean seaweed fish finding nemo eyes. "E-e-e-e-e-Ed?" I whispered too shocked to actually speak! "Hello slag" he said in his charming British accent. "I've coming to take you away you sussy baka" I was weak at the knees. "O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-k!" He gave me a wink before kicking me out and putting me on his back. I was in a dream. This had to be a dream. But no! We flew. And as we flew. Flew. He recited a poem to me.

"You're so ugly"
"You're not bubbly"
"Your crusty and musty"
"No wonder your mum wanted rid of you dusty"

That's when I knew it. He was the one. It was a gingers dream!

y/n X Ed Sheeran- sold to Ed sheeran Where stories live. Discover now