6: What We Once Were

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Hey hey hey! I'm finally back with this old thing. I know it's been a really long time and I'm really sorry about that! I have a few more chapters that'll be published soon! And, with that... onto the chapter!


         Yet another fightless and flightless day. It was still dark outside, I noticed, as I quickly glanced out the window. I released a hefty sigh and glanced at my still-sleeping roommates. I turned in my sleep, restless, unable to sit still and unable to sleep.

        “Y’know, I can tell ‘at you’re still awake, Aya…” The tall and lean one of my roommates whispered.

        “…Sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you or wake you.”

        “Nahh, you’re not disturbin’ me. I’m jus’ a bit worried; Y’sure you’re a’right?”

        “I’m fine,” I mumbled.

        “I think you’re lyin’. I can see that gleam in your eyes, Aya, that glitter that jus’ screams in ag’ny. You’re lyin’ to me. And how can I be friend with someone who’s lyin’ to me?”



        “…You never told me your story.”

        “Oi. Grimmjow brought this one up the other day. I didn’t tell ‘im, of course. But I guess I could tell ya. But only if ya promise to tell me what’s botherin’ you.”

        “I promise.”

        “…A’right. Let’s head outside; easier to talk out there.”


        I dug my hands into the chilled sand, staring up at the sky that was just beginning to light up with the sun’s warmth. “So?” I questioned, though my gaze did not shift.

        “…It’s hard t’ explain. I know your story, and I guess it’s a bit similar.”

        “…I take it you had a family?”

        “I guess ya could call it that. We were a group of similar hollows. Th’ fox, th’ wolf, and the jackal. We were a pack o’ ruthless hunters. Killed for fun, we did, down in the forest.”

        “…Sort of like bullies.” I glanced at her, and she shyly nodded, as if apologizing.

        “I remember watchin’ you, Aya, when you ‘ere picked on by those monsters. An’ I didn’t do anythin’. I just… watched. An’ then that bird came outta nowhere. Oh, was I inspired. I wanted nothin’ more than t’ do that for someone else.”

        “Then why didn’t you?” I tried my best to hide my shock that she had known me before this life as an Arrancar; before everything that had happened. She knew me before we were reborn and before we had gone through the trials of Fracción together…

        “Well… I tried. An’ my pack didn’t like it. Not at all. They called me weak, an’ they tried to attack me. They tried to use me for their own gain, jus’ another hollow t’ devour and get stronger.”

        “So you lost them.”

        “…Yeah. An’ I wandered, all alone, in th’ forest below. I finally decided t’ emerge from th’ forest below. I was gonna give in and let some other hollow finish me. But then Aizen’s lot foun’ me, an’ I guess ‘at was it.”

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