1: Meeting the Tremendous Trio

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            Come on, Tesla, get up!

            As if reading my thoughts, Tesla scurried to his feet. He was struggling again, I silently noted. He had been fighting for a long time, so I guess he had reason to struggle.

            “Come on, it’s my turn,” I groaned, throwing my had back and looking at the sky.

            “I said to shut your damn trap, woman!”

            “But I wanna fight~” I whined excessively from the distance. This, of course, earned me a dagger-like glare from the tall Espada. “Nnoitora…”

            Before I knew it, he was engaged in a full-speed sonido towards me, his weapons drawn. I tried to react quickly and grab my weapons, but they get caught on something. In an attempt to defend myself, I raised my arms to protect my face. I was lucky he was using the blunt end of his scythes. My hierro wasn’t particularly strong, and the blades would’ve cut my hands right off. I was instead sent flying back into one of the tall sandstone pillars- something I was used to.

            “Ugh. Some warning, next time?” I slowly sat up, still collapsed on the sandy ground.

            “You said you wanted to fight.”

            “Well, yeah, but-”

            “Well then get off your ass and fight me, bitch. All you woman are so pathetically weak,” he snorted.

            “Sexist,” I remarked as I stood and rolled my shoulders to ease the pain. I took a few deep breaths and held my now readied weapons out to my sides. My Zanpakuto was split into two claw-like weapons. I glanced behind Nnoitra and at Tesla for a moment and he sent a polite and thankful smile. I briefly nodded before returning my attention to the matter at hand.

            I was face-to-face and about to fight with Nnoitora Gilga.


-Kita’s P.O.V.

            “Grimmjow?” I poked my head in the door, hoping the Espada would be lounging around. He was always so difficult to find, the damn cat.

            Not to mention I was currently lost. Y’know. Same old shit.

            I continued walking down the long hallway. “Grimmjow…? I’ve got your coffee, sir. I…” My mind clicked. “Aw, hell! We were s’posed to meet outside today!” I gulped loudly and held the cup of coffee with my hand over the top. The liquid burned my hand, but I kept my hand there anyway. I sprinted towards the place we were actually supposed to meet.

            And when I got there, I was not warmly welcomed.

            “You’re late, runt.”

            “I’m so sorry, sir. I forgot that we were meetin’ out here, an’…” I took another deep breath. “Your coffee, sir.”

            “Whatever.” He snatched the coffee.

            My attention, though it was supposed to be glued to my own master Espada, was turned to a strong pressure in the distance. “…Freakin’ moron picked another fight with Nnoitora.”

            “She really is a dumbass.”

            “…She’s goin’ to steal his clothes today and I’m goin’ to dye ‘em blue.”

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