4: Waiting for the Rain

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            When I- or Nnoitora and Tesla, the people who were supporting me rather- arrived at the Infirmary, Manami stood almost instantly. Her eyes widened like a deer in headlights. “Ayame! What happened?”

            “Just a little fight,” I tried to smile a bit in reassure; I didn’t need her worrying about me. After a few seconds of trying to hold myself back, I winced in pain. My shattered and pathetic wings dragged lifelessly along the floor. Szayel stepped into the room (he had been in the back; likely working on some experiment) and I glanced up at him, earning a frown. He led me to one of the other room attached to the Infirmary where he motioned for me to sit on one of the many stone slabs.

            He shut the door as Manami scurried into the room, sighing at me and grazing his hand over my ruined wings. “I do truly hope, Ayame, that the pig of an Espada did not do this to you.” His worried eyes met my shamed eyes.

            I shook my head slightly. “No, sir. Not at all. Tesla and I were simply sparring.”

            “Perhaps it would be in your interests to be more careful, then. Wings are very fragile limbs. And perhaps you should train a bit less seriously. For him to have let things get even this far…”

            “It’s fine, sir. Really. I’m used to pain like this by now.”

            “Caution should still be exercised.”

            I nodded in understanding, crossing my legs as I sat upon the stone slab. My long black hair dangled in my face, falling over one of my eyes and hiding my eyes completely if I were to look down. I was glad that Szayel was in charge of the Infirmary. I trusted him. He was kind enough. He had heard much about me through Manami and he was who I got most of the supplies for my pranks from.

            “Szayel, sir? Would you like me to go and get some gauze? Or…?” Manami inquired, already striding towards one of the cabinets.

            He nodded in response, though he seemed to nod to the latter option. Manami had failed to mention what that second option was, however, and that honestly made me feel uneasy. She nodded, however, and then started digging through the cabinet. I grabbed a few rolls of gauze wrap and then a long plastic container. When she opened the container, the instrument of my torture was revealed.

            A very long, thin and pointy needle was revealed.

            My eyes widened and I glared. “Manami, if you come any closer with that… thing, then I will not hesitate to hurt you. You are not putting that thing anywhere near me. You of all people should know better, Manami.”

            “Calm down,” she sighed. “I’m just fooling with you, Ayame.” She put the needle away, a smile crawling onto her previously stoic face. “We’re just going to wrap your wings up, though it might need to be a slight bit tighter than would be comfortable. You won’t be able to use your Resurrección for quite a long while.”

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