7: The Person I Used To Be // All That I Remember

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        My hands moved smoothly along the lines paper, creating words that eventually created a sentence. And those sentences eventually created a paragraph, and then a page of imagination and creativity. Of people that only I knew. And oh did I love those people that only I knew. I knew their hardships, their obstacles, and their personalities. 

        They were so amazing. They each had their own ways of life and living, of dreams and dreaming. They each had a talent- one was a writer, as far as I knew, and one was an artist. One could play the piano pretty well; and the songs were oh so beautiful. Like the beauty itself had taken control of this person's songs. The other could sing like a goddess, like the birds on a sunny day. 

        And finally, the last could dream any dream and believe any belief. She was an optimist; open to the goodness of the world and the people who inhabited it. That was her talent. She didn't need to be good at any one thing in particular- not when she had her optimism. And her heart was perhaps the most unique thing of her all. It was so kind and loving. She shared her kindness with as many people as she could. 

        I loved these people. I created them, and they lived in my mind. I could hear them talking to one another. No, that's not a sign of being crazy or mentally ill. 

        It is simply a side effect of spending your time writing. 

        Any time I didn't spend writing, I spend reading. Usually graphic novels- manga, specifically. Some fantasy novels, though there were too many to name. I had read a few realistic fiction books that had struck me in many, many ways. 

        "_______, pay attention!" 

        My eyes widened and I glanced up, scratching the side of my head. "Sorry, Miss." 

        "One more time, _______, and you're getting points off your next exam." 

        "Of course, Miss. I'm sorry." 

        She went back to teaching, pointing at things she had written on the board as she spoke, demonstration several of the geometry problems on the board. I sighed, resting my head on my hand, eyes already bored. 

        But I guess I couldn't spend all of my time in my own fantasy world no could I?

        ~I remember... I always sat in the back of the class. It was kinda lonely, but it was quiet, and I liked it.~

        No, I couldn't. Instead, I had to return to this twisted world where everything was messed up and twisted and ruined. A distorted reality that was far from what it should have been. I sat in the far back of most of my classes, bored, lonely. But it was silent; and wasn't that always a plus? 

        I didn't really talk to many people, so that was never a problem in classes. I had one good friend, and she was only in my lunch. So, we'd sit and eat lunch together.


        ~Her name... I can't really remember it. ...Mara? Clara? ...Mai? ...No, wait! It was Mari! Mari Mizushima. That's it...~

        Hand wrapped around my head and covered my eyes, a bright and happy feminine chuckle coming from behind. "Guess who?!" 

        "I know it's you, Mar." 

        "Hehe. I know." She let go of me, hugging me with a wide smile. "Sorry I'm late. I'm going to go to the back of the line. I'll meet you at our table?" 

        "I'll go and wait with you," I nodded. "I don't care if I have to wait to eat." 

        "Thanks, _______." 

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