04) Comfort

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Taehyung would be lying if he said he was upset when Yoongi didn't come in the next day

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Taehyung would be lying if he said he was upset when Yoongi didn't come in the next day. It was Thursday and nothing was happening, per usual. It was nearly 6 PM and Taehyung decided he was gonna close early. No one came. Again. He waited, hoping maybe that one customer would come, maybe someone, to make it more entertaining, would come by an accident thinking it was that popular café. But of course, that didn't happen. Turning the sign to closed, he walked down the street, seeing most other businesses busy. It was getting close to the holidays, so you should be busy. But Taehyung wasn't. He never was. It made him sad. Really sad.

Taehyung wandered over to where there was a small park, with only a swing-set, a small slide and a bench. He sat heavily on the bench, feeling all his energy and positivity leave him. For once he didn't know if he could continue on with his little shop. It didn't make him much money, and he was starting to get worried how much longer he could keep it open. He put his head in his hands and cried. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to keep this store open, that he worked hard to get, but it was starting to seem impossible. Head in his hands, he cried harder than he thought he would. he suddenly felt a hand on his back and he jumped, whipping his head to the side to see Yoongi. "O-oh sorr-y.." Taehyung sniffed, trying to calm his sobs down so that he didn't annoy one of his only customers. It was silent for a while and Taehyungs small sobs and sniffles could be heard.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Yoongi asked. But Taehyung just shook his head. He didn't want to be a bother to him. It sounded pitiful, but he wanted Yoongi to come back some time, he didn't want him to leave. But he also didn't want to sound desperate. "No, no everything is fine. It's fine.." Taehyung muttered, not trusting his full voice. "I dont think everything is ok. You wouldn't be out here crying like this if everything was ok." Taehyung sighed. This Yoongi guy was very persistent... "Its ok, Yoongi. Theres nothing much going on in my boring life." It was silent for a second before, "Jeongguk." Taehyung looked at him confused, "Huh," "My name is Jeongguk. Not Yoongi." Taehyung tilted his head. Why did Jeongguk lie to him then? Taehyung chuckled and said, "Your name reminds me of my favorite author..." Taehyung said and Jeongguk chuckled and said, "Yeah, I get that sometimes... More than often.." It went silent again and Jeongguk checked his phone. it was now 8:02 PM. "So, I'm very curious as to why you were crying. I don't want to be overly pushy but when I saw you in the store you were so happy and energetic, and now you're upset and sad.. I don't think that sad look fits your face much."

Taehyung laughed but his smile was never there. "Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you.." Taehyung trailed off and rubbed his face and leaned back. "I don't know if I can keep the book store anymore." He said heavily. Jeongguk was shocked, "Why not?" . "Jeongguk, believe it or not, you were my first customer of the month. In the past months actually. No one ever comes to the store, and I'm not earning enough money to keep it open anymore." Taehyung said, his voice sounding strangled to the end of his sentence. "What? No one ever comes..? But it's such an amazing place! And the town may be small, but there's a decent amount of people." Jeongguk slowly trailed off thinking about the little book shop. "Yeah, I know.. I don't know what to do.. I don't want to close it, I worked so hard for it and I finally got it, but I guess it just didn't work out." Taehyung sighed fighting back tears again. Jeongguk hesitantly wrapped his arms around Taehyung bringing him into a hug and rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"Taehyung, if I may ask, who is your favorite author?" Jeongguk couldn't believe he was about to do this, but he felt that Taehyung needed some light in his life right now. Taehyung looked at him, as if he was saying 'you're asking this right now?' Taehyung shrugged and said, "I really like the author Jeon Jungkook. His novels always make me feel a little bit better, especially his book 'The Boy in the River'. Thats my favorite." Taehyung finished and Jeongguk nodded, agreeing. "Yeah, that one was probably my favorite one to write as well." Taehyung furrowed his brows, trying to figure out what Jeongguk meant before it clicked. He gasped and looked up at a now smiling Jeongguk. "What- you're Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung gasped his eyes wide, holding little galaxies in his blue eyes. Jeongguk chuckled and nodded and said, "That's why I came into your shop. I like to go to book shops and see if they have my books, and I was very surprised to see that you had all of them." Taehyung just nodded, and said, "Wh- of course I do! Your books are amazing! What- what are you doing here in this small town? And in Daegu?"

"Well, I recently moved into the countryside of the town and I decided to check it out. And then I saw the small little book shop that looked so comforting, I just couldn't help but take a look. Then I met you, and you know the rest. But today I was out on a walk after working on one of my latest books, and I saw you. I recognized you by your silver hair, and decided to come say hi... But then I saw you were crying and I wanted to comfort you instead."

Jeongguk explained everything and Taehyung was in awe. "T-thank you for that, but you really didn't have too.." He shyly said looking down at his feet. "You're right, I didnt.. But I wanted too. Because I care about you Taehyung. I know we only met yesterday, but it was nice to finally make a friend in this town. I mean, are we friends?" Jeongguk asked peering at Taehyung who was still looking down. Taehyung looked up and smiled brightly, "Yeah. Yeah, we're friends." Jeongguk smiled back and nudged him on the shoulder. "So, what made you want to be a librarian?" And so they went on, talking about themselves and sharing stories. That night was a memorable night, for both of the people will cherish the memories of it for rest of their lives.

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