08) Attraction

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After playing nearly 12 games of Twister, and some more random games they found stored away, they were all tired out and ready to go home

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After playing nearly 12 games of Twister, and some more random games they found stored away, they were all tired out and ready to go home. "Alright, that was so much fun! We should do it again sometime," Hoseok said stretching, which made his muscles flex underneath his shirt, and a certain someone was staring with hungry eyes. "Yeah, it was a lot of fun! Let's meet up again sometime and do this again!" Taehyung agreed, smiling. The snow was heavy and thick, and it was nearly impossible to open the door. "Uhm, it looks really dangerous out there... Maybe you guys wanna stay for a bit and wait it out?" Taehyung said hopefully, and nervously, as the storm seemed to never let up. "I don't know, it might be better to get back now while we can.." Hoseok said, frowning, but thought about Taehyungs offer.

"Yeah, maybe we should stay a little longer?" Jeongguks also said a light smile splayed across his face. "No, we should go home now, it might only get worse from here on out," Yoongi said with a blank face. Jeongguk sighed, he knew there would be no changing his mind, so with a small grimace, he waved goodbye to everyone. He scanned everyone's faces and paused on a certain someone. He waved goodbye with a small pout. Cute. Stepping out of the small store with Yoongi right behind him, they slowly trudged off to their apartments, nearly slipping a couple times on the way there, Yoongi actually falling once, which resulted in Jungkook getting verbally abused for laughing. 

Finally seeing the building from afar, they hurried over to the lobby- as it was still snowing heavily. With careful yet fast steps they finally made it inside. "Phew- it's cold out today.." Jeongguk acknowledged and Yoongi just rolled his eyes, "Oh, really? It's not like there's a blizzard or anything." Jeongguk just scrunched his nose and blew a raspberry at him before walking over to the elevator, pressing the 'UP' button, waiting for the lift to come. "So.. How'd you find that small shop?" Yoongi asked starting up a small conversation. Jeongguk chuckled and said, "Well, you know how I always look around for a library that might have my books, just for fun? Yeah, Taehyung had all of them. He said he really likes my books and enjoys reading them." Jeongguk stated fondly, while Yoongi observed his expressions. "Ahh, I know what's going on right now." Quirking an eyebrow, Jeongguk was about to ask 'what', but Yoongi beat him to it, "You like him. You like Taehyung." 

Jeongguk just laughed and stepped into the elevator that finally came and pressed the 8th floor, that's where both he and Yoongi lived. "No, I don't like him. I would call in more of an attraction. I really don't see him in any romantic way." Yoongi hummed taking it all in before retorting, "Yeah, but people who only see the other, affectionately, don't have heart eyes for the other."  Jeongguk scratched the back of his neck, feeling targeted, and instead of responding he just waited for the elevator to reach the 8th floor. A couple seconds later the elevator dinged, and the door parted revealing a long hallway with doors that each had a number on it. Walking down near the end of the hall, he finally stopped at the number '825', and Yoongi lived only a few doors up. "Alright, I'll send you the link to the book when I finish it, by the way." Yoongi scoffed. "It better be done by tonight! You better stay up all night trying to finish it if it's not." Rolling his eyes, Jeongguk unlocked his apartment and stepped into the familiar living room. His apartment wasn't super fancy, it was a smaller yet modern one, and it gave off cozy vibes. 

Taking off his shoes and his heavy winter coat, and hat he was wearing he threw them into the closet and walked over the counter. He grabbed a small mug and a packet of hot chocolate. He couldn't really cook that well, so he only had pre-made packets of hot chocolate that you just put into the warm water and mix it up, sometimes putting whip cream on the top, which he did. When that hot chocolate was finished he walked over to his couch and sat down, grabbing his writing laptop that was right beside him. Propping his feet up on the coffee table, he opened his computer, put in his password and started to type away on his book- that was already open on the screen. This is what Jeongguk did everyday; write. He loved it- but sometimes he felt he needed more excitement around the world. And he found some excitement- He found Taehyung. He found the little book store that was super cute and pleasing. He didn't know Taehyung too well, but he wanted to change that. He wanted to become good friends with Taehyung, and he was gonna do just that. 

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