Waking Up

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There was nothing, at first. No sound. No sight. No feeling. Then I felt warmth. Comfort. I curled my phalanges in the sheets as I tried to make sense of things. I cracked my sockets open just to snap them shut again. Bright. It was very bright. A noise of discomfort escaped me. It sounded scratchy, like I hadn't used it in a long time. I took it slower this time. Opening my sockets slowly and blinking to adjust to the light. I was in a lab of some sort, it seemed. I was hooked to some sort of IV. A tube led from a bag filled with green liquid to somewhere under My shirt. My movements were sluggish and uncoordinated as I slowly propped myself up and eventually sat up in the.. Bed. I was on a bed. Ok. I looked at my phalanges. Than my arms. I felt around my skull and pulled of my blankets to check my legs and feet. All checked out. There was nothing wrong. I felt no pain, but you never knew. I lifted my shirt to check my ribs. They were fine, but my soul.. It was a patchy red and white color. Red lines riddled it. The end of the IV was connected to it. "did it always look like that?" I cringed at my voice. Much worse than I originally thought. I slid my legs down off the bed. Was anyone here? Where was here? I gently pulled the IV out of my soul. I nearly fell over when I put my weight on the ground. I was extremely unbalanced which told me that I haven't walked in a while either. With a little help from the wall, I got moving.


I was trying to remember what even happened to me. I was drawing a blank. I walked through the halls of the lab, my shadow was the only one that walked beside me. My soul is the only thing that I could hear in this deafing silence. It was unnerving. Where was everybody? Somebody had to work here.. Right? Finally I found myself at an elevator. I pushed the button and the doors slid open. I cautiously made my way inside. I pressed the button to the main floor and waited.


I was in a hall similar to the one I'd just left not even 5 minutes ago. I felt drained. I probably shouldn't be moving this much after just waking up, but I had questions and needed answers. The sound of some anime theme song reached my nonexistent ears. Well if there was sound that meant there was people. I could travel a little bit longer.. Right? Nope. My knees buckled from under me and I fell to the floor. Ok.. Ok.. "just a small rest right here..


Hadn't meant to fall asleep. The ground definitely wasn't as comfortable as the bed was. Stars my back hurts from that.. I huffed and got back to my feet. I was feeling much more coordinated now after all that way, and the anime was still going too. I must not have been asleep for as long as I feared. I started forward again. I had to find the source!


The sound was getting closer. I was getting closer. Finally I rounded a corner into a large room. There was a couch, some bean bag chairs, blankets and pillows scattered across the floor, a coffee table, pushed up against the wall, and a nightstand with a large tv on it. It was the source of the noise. Within the room was a lizard and a fish. Both women and cuddling on the couch. On the bean bag chairs were goat monsters, a male and a female. On the blankets were a skeleton, sitting up, two humans, laying on their stomachs, and a goat child, who was on his back. All of them were to invested in the show to notice me. So I cleared my throat. That hurt. When was the last time I had a drink of water? It caught the attention of the monster closest to me. The goat lady. Her paw flew up to her chest in shock. "Oh!" Ok then. Her reaction caught the attention of one of the humans. The one with the blue and purple sweater. "Mom? What's wrong?" They followed their mothers gaze to me, an equal amount of shock coming to their features as the goat lady. "Sans!?" That got everyone's attention as the show was completely forgotten. "OH MY STARS! BROTHER, YOU'RE OK!"
"Punk! Ha! I knew it would work!"
"It was Frisk's idea!"
"I'm so glad your ok!"
"Hey comedian."
"S-sans.. How are you f-feeling?" Overstimulation much. Welp. I'll try my best. "i'm ok. just more confused than anything. what happened." It went silent.


They had me eat something first and I got some water too. I wasn't complaining. Afterwards they sat me down and started their story. "SANS.. YOU FELL DOWN. YOU WERE DYING FROM THAT.. SOUL DEGRADATION THING YOU AND DR. ALPHYS TALKED ABOUT.."
"You'd said giving you determination wouldn't work. So I thought.. What if you could create your own?"
"My child brought their plan to Dr.Alphys."
"I-I though it was r-risky.. But.. I-t was w-worth it."
"So we did a minor surgery on the punk and took out small chunks of their soul to fuse into you."
"After all, we humans don't need our whole soul to keep creating determination. Nor do we need the whole thing to live. So be grateful, comedian."
"You were comatose for 5 years, Sans. We were extremely worried for you." I blinked. "5 years..?" Well then. That made sense why my voice and coordination was very off. "Y-yes."
"i have a few, actually."
"Shoot." I furrowed my brows. Well they'd been nice and I knew them so.. "uh.. who are you? who are any of you? who am i?"

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