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I must've fallen asleep on the way back because I woke up in my bed. I couldn't say my sleep was dreamless, I knew there was something, It'd just been so.. fuzzy. I got up and slipped out of the room. It was dark out, it seemed. The moon cast silver light through the windows. I certainly wasn't getting any answers now. That dream in the Underground.. that memory.. I KNOW it happened. But then.. how was he alive now? Papyrus died there, yet he was alive up here, on the surface. I was the one who kept dying- almost dying. I made my way to the kitchen as memories of another time flashed through my skull. Something I really didn't want to think about. I paused when I noticed the kitchen light on, voices coming from said room. I moved closer at a slow, quiet pace. It was the kids. "Do you think he remembered?" Frisk asked hesitantly. "Remembered what, us killing his brother? Most definitely. That was the exact spot we did it." Chara replied. "He's going to want answers.. you don't think he'll rekill us.. do you?" Asriel whispered, afraid. "I don't want to be Flowey again.. I don't want to be dead again." Flowey? Rekill? What do they mean? "He'll probably want to ask about the resets. I doesn't really make sense that we killed Papyrus, if Papyrus is here with everyone. If we're lucky, he'll think it was just a dream." Chara concluded. "But Sans doesn't even remember that Papyrus was his brother? So why would he dream about him?" Frisk argued. "Its Sans. He'll chalk it up as some logical nonsense or another like he always does." Asriel nodded. "They.. do have a point.. maybe we won't redie after all."
"So.. bed time or snacks?" Frisk asked. "SNACKS!" The other two demanded in unison.


I decided to go back to my room. My skull was reeling. What were resets? How IS Papyrus here if he was killed? What did Asriel mean about redying? I had more questions than answers and nobody to ask. The kids won't say anything, they were afraid that I'd kill them for some reason.. well for a good reason actually. They admitted to killing Papyrus. But why do I care? Frisk is right, I don't recall any relation whatsoever with Papyrus. Maybe.. maybe they're just role-playing and I was overhearing that- no! This is exactly what Chara was just saying as chalking it up as logical nonsense. The memory was real. They are real. What they did was real. So how is Papyrus alive? I groaned and flopped into my bed. So. Many. Questions. Not enough answers. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I couldn't get the answers from anyone else. It seemed that I was a skeleton of many secrets. I was going to have to figure it out on my own. I sighed as I got comfortable under the blankets. I was going to have to start in the morning, because it was pretty late. 2 in the morning late.


When I woke up again around 9, I searched my room for any notebook and writing utensil. I made due with a notepad that I found in my sock drawer and a blue permanent marker that was in my closet. Questions on my life choices aside, I started writing down questions.

What are resets?
How is Papyrus alive?
How is Chara alive? They were dead as a doornail in my memory.
How is Asriel alive? He'd said something about redying.. something about a 'Flowey.'
Who or What is Flowey?
What was my role in all this?
What am I hiding? I paused. What AM I hiding. Were they that bad where I didn't tell anyone? If the memory was anything to go by, than I'd say yes. It was obviously alot of very important things that I now don't remember, but need to remember. Things that I couldn't afford to tell alot of people and yet some people did know. Like the kids.. and Asgore knows something too.
What is Asgore hiding? That guilty look back in the Underground suggested as such. What does he know? Then there was..
What is important about those Ruins doors and the sentry stations? I played some role or another in those areas. Grillby's was obvious. He said that I'd visited the place daily to vent and eat. I tapped the marker to the notepad. I was going to have to start somewhere.. I'd gotten that memory in the Underground so.. I guess to get answers, I was going to have to finish exploring the place, no cave detours this time.

2 chapters left

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