The Wrong Entrance

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I waited for Grillby to come out. He was closing up now, we'd be heading to the Underground right away. Apparently it was quite the drive, plus the hike up the mountain itself. Finally he came out with a basket in arm. "I figured we could eat on the mountain before I show you around." I grinned at him. "great idea, picnicking with a total stranger who was once my best buddy."
"Only you can somehow get that to make sense." He shoved me forward in a friendly fashion. "Let's go, we're burning daylight." I snickered. "that was beautiful." Grillby blushed immediately. "the- the pun i  mean!" 'Way to screw it up Sans!' I blushed, mostly out of embarrassment. "Ah right. Glad to see some things never change. You've always loved puns." He opened his car and put the basket in the back seat. "did i?" I asked as I climbed into the passenger side. He hummed in response, nodding as he climbed in the driver's side and started the car. "Buckle up. This'll be a long ride."


The view on the mountain was spectacular as we took the picnic break. "If I'm reading this correctly, the entrance should be up ahead. We are almost there, Sans."
"great! i hope something'll happen, ya know?" Grillby glanced over. "I do as well, but let's still be cautious. Don't want to trigger anything bad right away."
"good point." Not to long after, we finished and headed out again. "hey what's that?" Out of curiosity I turned off the trail and approached what looked like an opening to a cave system. This seemed to worry Grillby. "Sans! We shouldn't be heading of the trail like this. What if we get lost?"
"what's an adventure without a little exploring? wanna check it out inside? might be something cool." Grillby glanced back. "Alright, but not to far. I don't want the others worrying about you longer than they have to."
"i won't go to far, pr-" I paused. I'd gotten a bad feeling just now, as I was about to make the promise. "maybe we should stick together.." Grillby paused and nodded. "Alright. Than I can be sure you won't go far." I nodded and we made our way inside. Everything was all overgrown. The walls were a purple hue. It was strange and oddly familiar. "have i been here before?"
"No. Why?" Grillby looked curious. "just seems.. i don't know.. familiar?" Grillby hummed, and raised a flaming hand to his chin. "That's odd. Maybe you've seen something of the same color in the Underground?"
"may- grillby watch out!" My warning came to late as the fire elemental accidentally stepped off and down into a gaping hole, not watching where he was walking. Why was there a giant hole there in the first place?! "grillby!" I ran to the edge, and looked down. For a split second, I saw a human there instead of Grillby. It's form flickering between the two humans at home, Chara and Frisk. I didn't even process as I jumped down after Grillby, catching him by the arms and hugging him, hoping to take the impact instead.


Grillby groaned as he pushed himself up slowly. Despite being made of fire, he hurt everywhere. He looked around seeing purple. Purple everywhere. That's all he could see, his glasses had fallen off at some point. "Stars.. what had even happened?" Where was Sans? The thought jolted him into awareness. "Sans? Sans!?" Was he still up there? Could he hear Grillby? Was he going to get help? Grillby took a breath. It was ok. Everything would be ok. He started to feel around for his glasses. It seems that one lense was completely shattered. The other, cracked, but it would do. He got a proper look around. What he saw, horrified him. Sans at his side, broken and unconscious. "SANS!" He checked his dear friend.

Atk: 1
Def: 1
HP: 0000000.1/1

Is having a bad time.

"Oh stars Sans!" He had to get Sans help! He had to get Sans out of here. Ignoring his own hurt, he got up and picked Sans up, trying to be careful of the completely fractured fibula, cracked ribs, and partially fractured humerus. He was sure there were plenty of other breaks and cracks, but those were the most noticeable and severe of them all. He started towards the closest exit. It seemed to him that this had been another way into the Underground. 'The Ruins of Old Home..' Grillby recalled. There were no monsters now, of course, and all the puzzles were for the most part deactivated. It made carrying Sans a lot easier. Eventually the flame monster made his way to a house and fixed Sans and himself up the best he could. He was no expert in healing magic. He had no clue where his phone was either. They were stuck here until Sans healed. So much for not worrying the others.


I had to stop waking up like this. I hurt everywhere. It was a stupid move to jump after Grillby, I knew, but I couldn't think at the time. I just knew that I had to do something. Nope. I'm not moving. Hurts to much. I heard Grillby. He's ok? He's ok! "Hey buddy.. good news is.. we made it to the Underground.. bad news.. I might lose you again.. I don't want to lose you.. please Sans.. I just got you back. Please don't die.. I still haven't told you how I feel.." Grillby.. "I love you to much to lose you again, so just.. just wake up ok? Get better for me.." I felt warmth on my forehead and could only assume he'd just kissed it before exiting the.. where ever we were. I was blushing though. He loves me? Did he always love me? Even before the amnesia? I felt more determined now, then ever before to get my memories back. Papyrus was waiting. Grillby was waiting. My friends were waiting. First.. I had to get better.

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