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When I woke up again, I could smell food. Light illuminated the room I was in, telling me that Grillby was in here as well. I tried to move but.. "ah!" It hurt. "Sans! Stay down! Your clavicle and humerus is fractured and your ribs aren't doing to well either. On top of that your fibula is completely broken, your ankle was twisted, and your lumbar and coccyx vertebrae are cracked. Not to mention the likely concussion that you may have."
"..." I was bright blue in the face. "What?" Grillby looked utterly confused. "you.. were looking at my butt..?" Realization hit Grillby like a ton of bricks. "NO!"
"then how do you know that my coccyx is cracked."
".. Fine yes, but only to check your condition! Nothing else! I swear!" I laughed a little.. or about as much as my ribs would let me without hurting. "relax man, i'm not mad. just.. flustered." I admitted. "It is nice to see you laughing, despite the situation. Some things really never change.." I grinned. "same way before all this?" He hummed an affirmative. "I've made you something to boost your HP. We may end up staying here for three to four months depending on how long it takes your bones to heal."
"i am a magic skeleton. it won't take three to four months. if i eat and rest properly, the most it will take is one month tops."
"And you know that because..?" I paused. "i.. don't know.. i just do.. man this is the second time that's happened to me."
"That is weird. Maybe you're remembering?"
"i don't know."


Two Weeks Later

"do you think their searching the underground by now?" I asked casually. My vertebrae and ribs were the first to heal. My clavicle was pretty well healed now as well. My ankle was set back in place, and the concussion gone. Now all we were waiting on was my fibula and humerus. "Maybe. But if we are where I think we are, than I highly doubt they'll check here."
"where are we again?" I asked. He'd said where before, but I hadn't really been paying attention. I kept getting the feeling like I was being watched and it had me on edge. "The Ruins I believe. It was abandoned by monsters not long after they were trapped under here. That's what my father said anyway."
"ruins huh? wouldn't this place look a bit more withered then? it seems rather nice, honestly." Grillby thought for a moment. "Now that you mention it.. you're right. It was slightly unkempt when we got here, but otherwise lived in."
"not as abandoned as ya thought. i wonder who lived here?"
"There HAD been rumors.."
"rumors about..?"
"That former queen Toriel had fled to the Ruins after king Asgore declared war on the humans.. you don't suppose.."
"waitwaitwait, toriel was a queen? asgore was king? what? i knew there was a royal family, but i didn't realize.. now i feel like an idiot." I chuckled despite that. Grillby joined me. "Yes. Asgore and Toriel were the king and queen. Asriel was the prince. Chara and Frisk are their adopted children."
"huh. uh.. in answer to your other question, it is very possible that this was her majesties house.


I was examining my humerus. It wouldn't be long now. It had been a simple spiral fracture towards the central area of my humerus, spanning about a inch and a half. Now it only looked like a shallow crack, and was filling in more every day. I took a look at my fibula next. The split was clean. A diagonal break straight through. It had started to fuse together once more and was looking more like a fracture or large crack now. There was no way I was walking on that yet. "ouch. no wonder i was hurting."
"Yes. A miracle you'd survived at all, considering your HP. I'm glad you did though."
"right.. it's only one, right? why is it so low?" I wondered out loud. "I can't say. It could be a number of reasons. Your past, the soul degrade, etc." Soul degrade.. " oh right.. one of the first signs are a drop in the monsters stats."
"Is it?" Grillby looked curious while my brows furrowed in thought and slight confusion. Again with the knowledge that I apparently knew. "mmhm. the soul weakens and greys, the stats drop, the monster gets insomniac, lethargic, pain in the head and chest, loses his or her magic, starts coughing up magic or blood, they lapse in and out of consciousness, then.."
"They die."
"more or less. they fall down then die. same thing."
"I'm sorry.."
"what for? it's not like it's your fault that it happened nor is it your fault i can't remember. you've been here, helping me. that's all i can ask for." Grillby cracked a small smile. "Thank you, Sans. You always know how to make me feel a little better."
"heh heh.. no problem bud."


One Week Later

Great news! I could hobble around on my legs without rebreaking the fibula so long as I didn't apply to much pressure to it. Hence why hobbling instead of walking. We decided to stick around here for a couple of days longer, before we finally moved on. At least now I could look around and help Grillby out in the kitchen. All in all, Grillbs was a great guy. 10/10 boyfriend material, not that I was gonna say anything now. I already knew he liked me, but still, I was hoping I'd have my memories back before I confessed anything. Not to mention I'd only 'known' the guy for three or so weeks. To soon. Another reason why I was waiting to get my memories back first. Anywho I was helping Grillby make fries. Not gonna ask how he got the equipment. "Sans you really should sit down and rest."
"nope. already did that for three weeks. no more." Grillby was going to argue back, but there was a loud noise from down stairs. "The he-"
"is that..?"

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