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I teleported to my Snowdin room and found my spare blue jacket, cause I can never have enough. "alot has happened since then.. man, won't everyone be excited when they find out i've got my memories back.." I chuckled lightly. They still were coming back. If I walked back to New Home from here, I should have everything back, and what better place to start than my own house. It was almost funny. I'd forgotten how to use my own magic otherwise I would've done this alot sooner and saved Grillbs without- never mind. I shook my skull of those memories and started walking.


I teleported home after my time Underground. Everyone was just rushing out the door. "uh.."
"SANS! STOP DISAPPEARING!" Pap screamed out of both fear and relief. "right, right. sorry bro." Started to slip past them when someone, most likely Papyrus, grabbed my wrist. "W-what did you say..?" I grinned, I kinda wanted to tease him a little on the topic, but nah. "i called you bro. you are my bro, and always will be my bro weather i have my memories or not." He squealed and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I missed these. "YOU CALLED ME BRO! THIS IS THE BEST DAY! WE MUST CELEBRATE!!" I was dropped on the couch as he rushed to the kitchen. I missed that too. "Sans..?" The kids all walked over. "yeah kid?"
"What.. do you know about reset?" I sat up a little straighter, and my eyelights went black. "i know what you and chara did. over and over. neutral. pacifist... genocide." I leaned back as my eyelights returned. " at least, until you ran out of determination. oh yeah, that reminds me. thanks for donating pieces of your soul to me. it's been useful." I grinned again and closed my eyes for a nap. The kids exchanged surprised looks. "You remember everything?!"


Everyone was at the table now. The kids were staring at me. "don't you know it's rude to stare?" Papyrus was dishing out the spaghetti. "I know Comedian! It's just.. what else do you remember?" At remember everyone started staring at me. Rude. "i've got a question for ya. what don't i know?"
"Sans stop not answering!" Asriel yelled. "nah, kinda enjoying this."
"What the hell is going on?" Undyne asked as Papyrus joined the table. I stuffed my face with food so I didn't have to answer. "Quick! When did Undyne and Alphys start dating?"
"march 15th."
"M-my friend.. you remember..?"
"mm. still working on it. i do remember alot though."
"pretty much."
"Th-that's g-great news!" She was still trying to recover from the who date thing. "welp. i'm going to grillby's after this. we need to talk."


I teleported to Grillby's, but he had already closed for the night. "i think i know where he usually moves to every other time we made it to the surface.." I started walking there, just in case he was still on the streets himself. I watched for a random glow in the crowd. Now that I could remember.. i've had a crush on Grillby since we were teenagers, I never knew if he felt the same and between everything that was happening, I never really had time for a relationship. Now, I did. I needed to tell him. I spotted him crossing the street. I rushed to catch up. Then I saw the car. It wasn't slowing down, Grillby was right there- I shoved him out of the way, the horn blared my bone cracked as I flipped over the windshield.


Sans had taken the full impact all right. His ribs had completely caved in, his vertebrae shattered. There was no way he would survive. But at least Grillby was safe. He looked to the fire monster, unconscious, but mostly unharmed. He looked up to the hole in which they'd fallen from. He glanced over, noticing a glow. A four point star.. He reached over, touched it.

Sans- file saved

HP fully restored.

It went dark.


It was just like then.. He reached towards the star, and touched it before he passed out. He knew what it was. The four point star. It was one of Frisk's 'save points'. He had enough determination and magic to create them and in turn, heal himself when he was near death. He couldn't reset. He didn't want to. Frisk couldn't either. They didn't have a full soul. He knew when he did wake up, he'd be hurt, but at least he was alive.


He didn't bother to move. "mmm. so that's what it's like to get hit by a car... never wanna do it again.."
"Sans!" Grillby was at my side. As was Papyrus and everyone else. "h-hey.."
"What made you think to jump if front of the car-"
"...mmm... protect you.." His flames went pink. "i was actually lookin for ya.. i remember.. i remember my feelings.. for you.." Everyone had that oop- its a confession- face on. "i love you.. loved you since we were teenagers.."
"Rest Sans.. I.. love you too. Just rest." He kissed my foreskull. I smiled. "m'k."


So time went on. Grillby and I got together. I moved in with him. I visited Papyrus and he visited me. I told Frisk and Chara about my abilities, due to their determination. They had questions. I had answers. "Happy birthday, Sans." I grinned at Grillbs. "thanks, hot stuff."
"I have news."
"oh? do tell."
"I'm pregnant." I froze. Pregnant? Baby? Fire/skeleton baby? Imma be a daddy? "holy.. imma be a daddy.. your gonna be a mommy.. that's.. that's great news!"

Great news indeed. So.. I had a thought once. I very weird thought, but I'll share it anyways. In some au or another, could Ghost Rider be the son of Sans and Grillby? He's a flaming skeleton. A spirit of vengeance *cough* like Sans *cough* anyways that's my weird thought. It's also the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed it. Have a great morning/afternoon/night.


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