An Attempt at Recovery

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My shoes thumped against the ground as I explored the city of Ebbot. It was nice to be away from the house, away from a stares. I wanted to be the person they knew. I wanted to be the Sans they knew. That couldn't happen though if I couldn't remember. "what do i do then?" I paused my stride at the sound of my stomach. Yeah. The nonexistent one. How does that work? Simple really. My soul sends of signals saying that my magic is starting to get low, and that triggers a noise akin to the growl of a human stomach. "how do i know that?" It was puzzling. Was I some sort of teacher or scientist at some point? I'm pretty sure most monsters would just say magic and be done with it. I shook my skull and looked for any food joints.


I looked up at the red neon sign of Grillby's. It is where I ended up when I searched up monster joints on my phone. It was either this place or Muffet's and Muffet's was way out of my money range. I heard the bell chime as I opened the door to the place. The atmosphere was nice, it was mostly monsters, but some humans were inside too. "Sans!?" A random monster gasped, drawing the ENITRE bars attention. Or at least, all the monsters attentions. I'd been here before? "Where ya been, Sansy~"
"We've missed you, friend."
"Welcome back."
"You ok? It's been five years." Did I know all these folks? "around. uh.. it's been a boring five years so.." I made my way to an empty bar stool. A flame monster walked out of a back room, passing food to some customers. "hey barkeep." I called to him, ready to order. He froze and turned to look at me. "S-Sans..?" He was shocked. "You're.. where have you been? Nobody would talk to me. Papyrus was constantly on the verge of tears. What happened?" I didn't know what it was. He was a complete stranger to me and yet.. I felt like I could trust him with my life. "i don't know much but..."


I told him everything. Everything that Papyrus and the others had told me anyway. I told him about how I'd been dying slowly for years, about the determination that had apparently been forced into my soul to keep me alive, about falling down, about the surgery that Frisk and I had been through to save me, about waking up with no memories of anything or anyone, about how I wanted to be the person they knew. He listened. He listened to it all and though he looked sympathetic, he didn't give me THAT look.  "That.. that is a lot to take in.. but.. I can see why your so bothered. It is in your nature. I can try and help you though?" Grillby offered. "that'd be nice.. thanks, mr.."
"Ah! Grillby, you called me Grillbs though."
"i'm sans! but.. you already knew that, huh?" Grillby chuckled. "Yes, but it's alright."


Grillby told me about my life in the Underground, hoping the stories would trigger something. Apparently we've known each other for a very long time. I'd lived with his family and grew up with him when I was seven. We were the same age and had quickly become friends. He helped me take care of Papyrus, who was only two. We'd become inseparable, always had each other's backs. In our teenage years I moved to a place called Snowdin, where Grillby would eventually set up shop. I'd taken many jobs to pay the bills and Papyrus' schooling. Eventually I'd become Asgore's Judge, a monster who protected the royal family from the worst of the worst and when I became an adult started going to Grillby's Bar and Grill to meet with my old pal. I often told him of struggles of mine and asked his advice. "that.. sounds like a lotta stuff. but i can't remember.. sorry man." I admitted with a heavy sigh. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Its ok, Sans. I'm sure these things take time.. I close early tomorrow. Perhaps showing you around the Underground would help some? Only if your up to it, of course."
"sounds like a plan." I checked the time and winced as the clock hit 3 pm. I'd left at 11.. "i should probably go.. everyone's probably goin crazy with worry.." Grillby smiled. "I'll give Papyrus a call and let him know where you've been and that your on your way back. "See you tomorrow?" I gave a wave. "see ya tomorrow."


"HOW DID YOU END UP AT GRILLBY'S? DID YOU REMEMBER SOMETHING?" Papyrus asked when I got home. "" There it was again.. that wounded puppy look. "i'm trying, i really am! but i don't remember!... not yet, anyway." I muttered the last part. "anyways, i wanna go back to grillby's tomorrow. hopefully trigger.. something." Papyrus blinked. "OH. WELL BEST OF LUCK, BROTHER! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!"
"thanks.." I went up to my room. The faster tomorrow comes, the better. I was honestly looking forward to seeing the flame monster again.

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