Chapter 11

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Later that night, Olivia's curiosity got the better of her. She tapped Kelly on the shoulder and gestured to the hall.

Taking the hint, Kelly stood and asked, "Where's the bathroom?"

"Down the hall, third door on the left," Percy answered.

"Thanks." The two of them stepped delicately over people's feet and made their way into the hall, which was lined with framed photos.

Kelly stopped in front of a photo of a much younger Percy and Annabeth. They were standing with another boy who was wearing a rasta cap over his curly hair, their arms draped over each other's shoulders. From their matching orange t-shirts, she figured it had been taken at their summer camp.

"Psst," Olivia whispered from down the hall, where she'd stopped in front of the first door on the left.

As Kelly joined her, she saw that the door was slightly ajar. Through it they could see blue walls, an unmade bed, and a bedside table with a pile of gold coins and a conch shell sitting on top of it.

"What sort of teenage boy keeps a huge shell on his bedside table?" Olivia asked quietly.

"You're stereotyping. He must just really love the ocean," Kelly whispered back. "Or maybe it's a gift from someone."

The sounds of movement came from the lounge and Olivia pushed Kelly into the bathroom just as Percy rounded the corner.

"Oh, hey, Liv. I thought I'd check you found it all right," Kelly heard him say through the closed door.

"Oh, yeah, all good," Olivia said brightly. "Just waiting for Kelly."

"Okay." There was a pause, and Kelly heard Percy's bedroom door being shut. "Are you having fun? With the games, I mean, not with waiting..."

"Yeah! I mean, I'm pretty bad at it, but it's still fun."

"Glad to hear it."

There was an awkward silence, which Kelly took as her cue to flush, wash her hands and get out of there. When she stepped into the hallway Percy was gone and Olivia was frowning at his closed bedroom door.

"Smooth," Kelly said, completely deadpan.

Olivia had the grace to look embarrassed.

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