Wedgies of Two Worlds

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Pan and Uub placed the Dragon Balls together on the ground. "Are you ready?" Uub asked.

Pan nodded. "I'm tired of the wedgies. Let's get this over with." The couple was currently on Namek, with Moori standing next to them.

"I'm not sure I even understand the request," Moori admitted. "What even is a wedgie?"

"The less you know, the better you'll be off," Pan suggested.

Moori sighed as he summoned Porunga. "What are the wishes again?"

"The first is for me to stop giving myself wedgies by saying 'I love you.'" She yanked her light blue undergarments out of the back of her shorts and attached them to her forehead. 'Oh, yeah,' she thought to herself. 'That feels good.' Uub then walked over and removed her undergarments from her head, much to her relief and disappointment.

"The next wish is for her to stop loving being given wedgies," Uub added.

"Earth customs are weirder than I thought," Moori said aloud. He turned to Porunga and spoke his wishes in Namekian. The dragon formed an ok symbol with his fingers and his eyes flashed twice.

Pan blinked, realizing the enjoyment of the wedgies had finally exited her system. "Uub, I love you," she told her boyfriend. Much to her relief, nothing happened.

"You still have one more wish," Moori informed the couple.

Pan shrugged. "Save it. We can use it later."

Moori nodded and spoke in his native tongue once more. The dragon nodded and disappeared into the sky, allowing the Dragon Balls to become stone. "I hope this is what you wanted," Moori told the couple.

Pan nodded. "I'm ready to get back to a normal life now."

Uub rested his arm around Pan's shoulder. "You and me both."

Cabba and Caulifla, both at base form, were practicing their skills, with the former aiming his Galick Cannon at Caulifla. The female Saiyan dodged the blast and rapid-fired numerous golden energy blasts at Cabba. Cabba blocked the blasts by crossing his arms in front of his body. At the same time, the blocked energy beams created a smoke cloud. This allowed Caulifla a small window of time to leap through the smoke cloud to aim a punch at Cabba's head. He ducked and slammed his fist into her stomach, making her freeze. He kicked her back, increasing the distance between the two.

"Damn it," Caulifla cursed, falling to her knees.

"What's wrong?" Cabba asked, running over to approach her.

Tears dripped down Caulifla's cheeks as she pounded her fist into the ground, creating a crater. "I'm not strong enough," she whispered. "That tournament showed me I'm too weak on my own. I couldn't beat Frieza. I couldn't beat Gohan as a fusion. And look at Kale. She's been hiding all this power from me to spare my feelings!" She slammed her fist again as the tears continued to drip down her face.

Cabba placed a hand on Caulifla's face, drying her tears. During the tournament, he could remember Caulifla initially being excited that Kale had so much power stored inside her. He had noticed that over the several months since the tournament, Caulifla had become jealous of Kale's power. She and Cabba had worked with Kale and managed to train her in a way that allowed the quiet saiyan to control her destructive transformation. Kale could now go from her base form to her Legendary Super Saiyan form with ease and complete control. In this time, Kale had gained more confidence in her abilities and had become less quiet.

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