Wedgie Tournment

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Fu was tinkering away in his laboratory that stood above an arena. "Just a few more touches, and it will be complete," he murmured, barely able to contain his excitement. "This is gonna be hilarious!" He held up a remote and pressed its button. Within the arena, several people appeared. Some were new to the universe they were in, others were not.

"Where are we?" Pan asked. "Where's Uub?" She had just been hanging out with Uub in her apartment when she had been teleported here. She noticed that several of her friends were standing next to her: Bulla, Bulma, Valese, and Chronoa.

"I have no idea," Bulla murmured. She turned her head and noticed a familiar face. She tapped Pan on the shoulder. "Hey, aren't those your parents?" she asked, pointing to two figures in the distance.

"Yeah, they are," Pan realized. "But they look younger for some reason." Gohan was wearing his orange gi and Videl was wearing her white pants and blue "FIGHT" t-shirt with long orange sleeves. She remembered a photograph her parents had shown her of them after graduating high school. The parents she saw now looked identical to the photograph. "Hey, Chronoa. Is this another time distortion?"

Chronoa shrugged. "I don't know. A minute ago I was relaxing with Trunks and now I'm here." This was evidenced by her denim-shorts and her pink t-shirt.

"This place is pretty advanced," Bulma observed. "I'd love to know who built this place."

Valese sighed. "This place is boring," she stated. She began to pull her pink undergarments over her shoulders and let out a sigh of relief. "Much better."

"Gross," Bulla muttered. "Why do you have to give yourself a wedgie every five minutes? You're worse than Mom."

"Hey," Bulma stated angrily. "I said I'd stop doing it in front of you and I did."

"Not helping, Mom," Bulla replied.

Pan continued to look around. "Hey, it's Launch!" she pointed out to a woman wearing a light green tank top and yellow shorts. "Wait... when did she get green hair?"

"That's weird," Bulma observed. "She must have changed it."

Pan's eyes took note of what seemed to be twins fighting. One had messy red hair and blue eyes and wore a white lab coat, jeans, and a blue-and-red checkered shirt. The other one had the same hairstyle with a white hue, pink skin, red eyes, and she wore pants similar to Majin Buu. Instead of a shirt, she wore a black bra. "Who is that?" Pan wondered aloud.

"Android 21," Chronoa explained. "They're both Android 21. She comes from another timeline and is very similar to Majin Buu. One is good and one is evil."

"How do you know that?" Pan asked.

"When you're protecting time, it helps to read up," Chronoa replied.

Pan walked over to the androids, who were busy punching each other. "How are you back?" the two asked each other simultaneously.

"Hi," Pan greeted, surprising the duo.

"Who are you?" the good 21 asked while the evil 21 snuck away.

"I'm Pan," the female Saiyan answered. "Son Pan."

The good 21's eyes widened. "Are you related to Son Goku?" she asked.

Pan nodded. "Yep. He's my grandpa. Are you friends with him?"

"You could say that," 21 replied. "He and his friends saved me from my evil half. Are we in that timeline or another one?"

"We're in my timeline," Pan answered, disappointing 21. "I can try to get you back to your timeline after this."

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