Wedgies of the Past

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Chronoa sat on the couch with Trunks resting next to her. They were currently relaxing in Bulma's home. Chronoa was currently wearing a light blue crop top and jeans while Trunks was wearing a blue t-shirt and black pants. Chronoa giggled. "Do you seriously still live with your parents?" she asked her boyfriend.

Trunks sighed. "I don't exactly have anywhere else to live," he pointed out. "Besides, I help out my mom with her business sometimes."

"Trunks, you're thirty years old," Chronoa pointed out. "Why don't you come live with me?"

Trunks began to blush. "Are you sure?" he asked.

Chronoa nodded. "In the Time Nest. You'll love it there. You're already there a lot of the time, too."

Trunks smiled. "Okay. You got it," he told her, making Chronoa's grin become even wider. She brought herself closer to Trunks's face and pressed her lips against his. She wrapped her arms around him as their kiss continued. When their kiss finished, Trunks stood up. "I guess I should go pack my stuff."

Trunks walked into his mother's laboratory as Chronoa followed behind him. "You keep your stuff in your mom's lab?" Chronoa asked.

Trunks shrugged. "Just stuff like my sword and some of my clothes." A strange aura passed through Trunks and Chronoa's bodies. "Did you feel that?"

"Yeah, it felt weird," Chronoa replied as Trunks walked behind her. "Trunks, what are you doing?" Trunks gripped the waistband sticking out of her jeans and lifted his arms. Her feet parted with the ground as she began to squirm.

"I don't know!" Trunks said worriedly. "I'm not doing it on purpose!" A golden aura appeared Trunks as his hair grew to ridiculous proportions and his eyebrows dissipated. He had unwillingly become a Super Saiyan 3. He started to bounce Chronoa up and down, irritating her further. Her lavender sword-printed underwear was stretching beyond what she thought it was capable of. Trunks's blushing more and more prominent as he saw more of Chronoa's underwear. He snapped the waistband onto her eyebrows and shot out energy rings over her head and arms.

"Trunks!" Chronoa whined.

"I'm sorry!" Trunks apologized. "I don't know why that happened."

The strange aura passed through Chronoa, making her run up to Trunks's backside. She grabbed his waistband and flew it over his long hair. "Ohhh," Trunks whimpered. Despite her hands being tied together, Chronoa had no trouble attaching Trunk's white clock-printed underwear to his forehead.

"Nice undies, Trunks," Chronoa stated, observing the pattern. Granted, she wouldn't say it out loud, but she wouldn't mind seeing this pair again. She flew down and admired her work. A portal suddenly opened before them, and the first person to exit the portal was Bulma.

"I hope I'm not interrupting you two love birds," she joked, embarrassing the couple even more than the wedgies did. "I see I forgot to turn off my wedgie machine."

"Your what?!" Trunks and Chronoa shouted simultaneously.

Bulma pointed to a nearby box resting on top of a lab table. The strange aura passed through her, making her grip her waistband once more. She let out a sigh as she raised her arms into the air. She snapped her blue strawberry-printed undergarments onto her forehead, therefore widening her grin. "Oh... yeah..."

"Mother, do you enjoy getting wedgies?" Trunks asked, becoming disturbed by her mother's satisfaction.

"Yeah," Bulma admitted. "I figured I might as well be honest about it now. "

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