Episode Two / Part 4

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This chapter is long because I wanted to hurry up and finish episode two. I hope y'all like it because I have mixed feelings 💔


Asia walked to the Kickstarter and stood beside Anne Maria. She continued her stretches for a moment, standing back up when an intern brought two crates onto the platform. He opened one crate and handed Lightning an agitated rat, then opened the other and held a large maggot up to Anne Maria.

“Team Rat gets a rat. And Team Maggot gets a mutant maggot.”

“Ew, it's a what?”

“Annnnd, go!”

Lightning was immediately kicked by the Kickstarter, landing painfully in the mud. Asia took his spot and waved Anne Maria over as the boot reeled back. The two females went soaring past Lightning, hopped across the platform bridge and approached Brick. Anne Maria shoved the maggot into his arms and he saluted her before running to the next obstacle with Asia.

Asia stopped when Brick ran into a pole. Seeing that Lightning was quickly gaining on them, she tried calling out to Brick.

“Brick, can you see me?”

“Yes! Wait... sorta? You're blurry!”

Brick ran into the pole again, giving Lightning time to pass the rat to Dawn. Asia grabbed Brick's hand as Dawn ran through Cannonball Alley and pulled him down the path. She ducked as a cannonball came her way, but had little time to warn Brick. The dancer flinched as her teammate fell over with a dazed squeal.

“Oooh, sorry! Just uh... just hold on to that maggot!”

With great difficulty, Asia dragged Brick across the alley. Miraculously, neither of them were hit by a cannonball on the way. As Asia got closer to where Jo was waiting she heard some of the 'motivation' being slung at her.

“Come on, faster, work those legs!”

“I'm trying! He's not exactly light-weight, you know!”

Jo huffed as Asia finally arrived with Brick, yanking the maggot out of the comatose cadet's arms and pulling Asia along as she ran to the next challenge. Asia jerked her arm away with a frown, then skidded to a halt as she reached Wrecking Ball Alley. She could totally see herself twisting an ankle. Jo tucked the maggot under her arm and looked at Asia.

“Don't focus on the direction the bridge js turning- just jog forward, slowly. When the wrecking ball comes for us, jump up and swing off to the next course.”

Asia nodded and did exactly as Jo said. In no time she was at the plank cross with Zoey.

“Can you see well enough to jump across?”

“I think so. Let's go!”

The duo began to cross the planks but quickly found themselves sinking as the beavers knawed at their platform. Asia managed to grab the maggot with one hand and the edge of the next platform with the other. Unfortunately Zoey wasn't as quick and soon found herself running from the beavers.

“Hang on Zoey, I'm coming!”

“No, you go meet Mike with the maggot. I'll be fine!

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