Chapter 2: A Fond Farewell

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Soo Ho opened the door to his parents' house and headed for his mother's sitting room, hoping to find her there. He was not disappointed. He was also delighted to find his fiancé, Jung Sook, sitting with her. His sister, Soo Yeon, and Jung Sook's ward, Bo A, were also enjoying the tea party his mother had set up. Complete with Soo Yeon's dolls.

A smile teased his lips for a moment as his eyes landed on the little girl. Bo A was adoringly offering her new doll – a gift from his sister, he rather suspected – a sip of tea. He sent up a small prayer of thanks for the peace that he could read in the girl's countenance. She had just experienced the most horrific days of her life. He was glad that Soo Yeon had been able to offer her some tangible comfort.

"Soo Ho?" his mother's surprised voice reached his ears. "What are you doing home?"

"Eomma," he bowed to her before turning towards his beloved. "Jung Sook, Soo Yeon, Bo A," he addressed all three. "I have been called away. The king has asked me to escort his sister to Goguryeo." His eyes careened into Jung Sook's. "For the duration of her stay there."

He watched as alarm spread across his fiancé's face. Then...disappointment.

"You're going to be gone for months, are you not?" she whispered.

He nodded his head. "Most likely."

She jumped up and reached for his hands. "Be safe," she purred.

A sad smile lifted the corners of his mouth. "But, of course. Your gallant hwarang will return to you. I promise you, my dear." He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers.

"When do you leave?" his mother's question interrupted that sweet kiss.

"Tomorrow," he answered soberly.

Then his eyes collided with Soo Yeon's. "Ban Ryu is coming with me," he broke the news to her as gently as he knew how.

And watched as her eyes grew wide with fear. She jumped to her feet. "Ban Ryu is going too?!"

Her mother glanced sharply at her. "What is this? Soo Yeon?"

Then that noble lady stood in dismay as her daughter fled from the room. "Soo Yeon?"

"Let her go, Eomma."

Lady Bit Na turned towards her son. "Soo Ho? What are you two not telling me?"

"Well, Eomma, if I'm not telling you something, then I'm not telling you, right?" he reasoned with a quirk of his lips.

His mother turned her gaze in the direction of her departing daughter. And sighed. "Is she in love with that troubled young man?"

Alarm spread across his amiable countenance. "You won't tell Appa, will you?"

Lady Bit Na was nothing if not discreet. "He won't hear it from me," she whispered. Her heart breaking for her daughter. "But there is no way that he would ever countenance a match between his precious daughter and the son of his enemy."

"I know. But, Eomma, Ban Ryu is the best of men. He is my good friend. And he is loyal to Jin Heung. Doesn't this trip prove it? The king is entrusting his sister to four men, and Ban Ryu is one of them."

She beamed suddenly. "And so is my adorable son." She furrowed her brow and crossed the distance separating them to pat him on the cheek. "You take care of yourself. And Ban Ryu." She frowned. "Who else is going?"

"Seon Woo. And Dan Se."

She nodded. "Two more brave men. Good. You all keep each other – and the princess – safe. And I will pray for your speedy return."

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora