Chapter 29: Grounded

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Something had shifted between her and Ban Ryu. She could feel it when he awoke later that afternoon. He lay quiet, staring up at the ceiling.

"Would you like me to read to you?" she asked.

She had already whiled away a few hours reading to him from some pretty interesting scrolls which she had found in her father's library.

But now Ban Ryu shook his head slightly. No words followed this gesture.

For his part, he was majorly frustrated. And afraid. He wanted to climb out of this bed and walk back to the hwarang house. Where he belonged. Far from this exasperating, delightful girl.

Being this near to her was trying. And every time she bent over him to adjust his covers, he caught a whiff of clementines again, and he wanted to reach up and envelop her in his embrace, drawing her down against his chest. He'd wanted to return her ardor earlier today. Resisting her advances had required all of his self-control.

But he could not afford to give in to her.

He owed her father such a debt of gratitude. He could not repay the man by treating his daughter unbecomingly.

So his frustration was bound up in her presence. And his fear resided in the state of his injured leg. He was concerned that it wouldn't heal properly, and he'd never walk normally again. What would become of him then? If he could no longer serve as one of the king's guard?

The unknown stretching before him terrified him to no end. He had no status or wealth upon which to fall back. Was he going to have to find a way to support himself? Would he have to learn a trade? And if he were lame, what trade could he possibly earn a living doing?

He wasn't unintelligent. That was something, at least. He could easily master any type of schooling required of him. But he cringed as he considered taking on an apprenticeship.

The working class would revile him. Both for being a noble and for being cast out due to his father's unpopular political opinions. Would anyone even accept his person? Would any be willing to train him in a trade? And if by some miracle someone did, would Ban Ryu be able to find enough customers who were willing to engage in business with him? If not, how would he survive?

He sighed. All this stress was giving him a headache.

Soo Yeon stood up and leaned over him. Stirring her delightful scent once more. She bent toward him as she studied his furrowed brow. "What is disturbing your peace?" she breathed against his lips.

His pained eyes met hers then. He didn't mean to make eye contact with her. But she was just so...close.

"I am fine," he insisted through clenched teeth.

"Oh, yes, I can see that," she murmured as she lifted her hand to press two of her fingers up against his wrinkled brow. "This little ravine digging itself into your forehead screams peace."

She leaned down and brushed her lips across that crumpled brow. It instantly smoothed out under her gentle caress. But only momentarily. Then the wrinkles were piling up again as he reached up to shove lightly against her shoulders.

"Soo Yeon. Stop. Stop kissing me!" he muttered in exasperation.

His eyes searched the room frantically for a maid. But he found none.

"Where is your chaperone?" he asked in desperation.

"Oh, Eunie? I sent her to my bedchamber to find my fan."

"And the silly girl left you alone with me?"

Soo Yeon shrugged. "She's afraid of me."

"Of you?" he scoffed.

But he could well believe it. This girl wasn't nearly as innocent as she seemed.

For example, right now she was about to pounce on him.

"Come on, Ban Ryu," she coaxed tenderly as she settled her bottom on the edge of his bed. Right next to his thigh. "I just want one little kiss. Can you not give a poor girl one innocent kiss?"

"No," he ground out as he dug his nails into the flesh of his palms.

She was testing his patience mightily right now. Especially as her pretty, pink lips suddenly pouted, and her wide, obsidian eyes grew sorrowful. Gazing down at him with a very real appeal shining out of their depths.

"Just one," she whispered as she bent towards him.

He meant to shove her away. But she moved at such an angle that his hand slid around her waist instead. And her lips embraced his before he could react. Steadying himself, he prepared to gently push her away.

But he was suddenly stilled by a drop of moisture falling from her cheek to cling to his own. As her tear rolled down his face, his eyes opened wide, and he could see the distress on her sweet countenance. And the need to comfort her overrode all his caution.

His arm dragged her roughly up against him until her chest was draped across his own. And his lips moved passionately against hers. His breath mingling with hers as he opened his mouth slightly.

Ban Ryu gave himself to that kiss. To several quite luscious kisses. Losing himself momentarily in the sweet bliss of her mouth.

Forgetting her father. And his own future. Recalling nothing but his adoration of this precious young lady.

That was...until her mother's gasp interrupted them and brought him falling abruptly back to earth.

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now