Chapter 22: An Honest Discussion

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Ban Ryu had refused her. Her father was pressuring her to accept Lee Beom Sook. What was she to do? Would either man ever give in to her?

She was despairing. She hadn't been created to be kept from her heart's desire, had she?

How could she marry another man? One for whom she had no love? How would that be fair to Lee Beom Sook? Didn't he deserve to be loved by his wife?

He did.

She could not mislead him.

Especially now that she knew that he had a fondness for her. She could not break the man's heart. How selfish would she be if she led him to believe a lie – that she loved him – just so that he would marry her? Eventually, he would discover the truth, and then both of them would be devastated. And stuck with each other. What a horrible environment for her children to grow up in!

She could not do that to him. Or to them. Or to herself.

Better that she die an old maid than be forced on a man for whom she carried no affection.

She would simply have to stand up to her father. And to Ban Ryu. If he wouldn't have her, that was one thing. But she wasn't going to allow herself to be bullied into marrying someone else. Especially not a truly wonderful man like Lord Lee Beom Sook. He deserved happiness. And she knew several young ladies who fancied themselves in love with the kind man. He would have no problem finding a good wife.

So she was prepared the next day when her father arranged a private meeting between her and Lee Beom Sook. In their front sitting room.

She breezed into the room and came to an instant standstill when she found that fine gentleman alone.

"Lord Lee Beom Sook!" she greeted him as she bowed to him.

He smiled faintly at her. "Kim Soo Yeon." His voice was a caress. Had anyone ever spoken her name that tenderly? It gave her pause. She felt suddenly quite ruffled by that gentle voice.

"You still love him, do you not?" he questioned softly.

"Who?" she queried, puckering her brow.

"Park Ban Ryu. I came to steal your heart from him. But I fear that I have failed. Before I've even begun." His lips twitched ruefully.

She rushed forward and held her hands out to him. "I am so sorry! You are such a wonderful man. I...I...I am so sorry," she reiterated for lack of anything else to say.

"You wouldn't consider marrying me anyway, would you?" he asked quietly.

Surprised, she gazed up into his magnificent, obsidian eyes. Ban Ryu wasn't the only man with beautiful eyes. "You still want me?" she queried, astounded. "Even knowing I love another?"

He bobbed his head. "I would not see you married to a man who has no love for you. And I know that your father opposes your desire to marry Park Ban Ryu."

"How can you possibly know that?" Her shock reverberated throughout her voice.

He smiled down at her. "If he didn't, he wouldn't be trying to arrange a match between you and me," he answered reasonably.

She blinked, and her face fell. "Oh! This is such a mess!" She gazed up at him out of her guileless, dark eyes and whispered, "I could never do that to you! You are too fine a man to be chained to a woman who doesn't love you!"

"Are you so sure that I couldn't make you forget him?" he breathed as he bent near her.

But she felt...


She nodded her head, and he sighed. "I...He has my heart. He stole it long ago. And I can't get it back. Though he doesn't want it either." She pivoted away from him as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"What's this? How can that man not want you?" he asked in surprise.

"He thinks that he does not deserve me. But who, I ask you," she turned back to face him, "could deserve me more than the man who saved my brother?"

He simply smiled at her. "I cannot compete with that."

Instantly, she beamed at him. "Oh!" she exclaimed. "You are such a darling! Why couldn't I have met you first?" Her eyes were despairing even as she grinned up at him.

"Now, now, my dear," he reached out to clasp her hands. "Courage! Surely, you can wrap that man around your little finger!"

She shook her head. "I am beginning to think that I cannot. I think Appa would now be easier to convince than Ban Ryu." She sighed mournfully. "I shall simply spend the rest of my life alone."

"No! We cannot have that!" he declared sweetly. "You are too fine a lady to never marry. Your children deserve a dear mother like you will be."

She blinked up at him. "Lord Lee Beom Sook, you are so...kind. Is there not some girl whom you love? Some girl who will marry you?"

"Alas, I guess not. I thought I could persuade her perchance. But she is too hung up on this other chap. And he's a fine fellow. Better than I, I can assure you. I haven't the right to steal her from him. Even if I possessed the power too. And it is clear to me that I do not." He was gazing down at her with such bright affection shining from his eyes that she gasped.

"You are not speaking of me, surely?!"

He simply continued to smile ruefully down at her.

" could you possibly love me? We do not even know each other!"

"The world is full of strange mysteries, is it not? She captured me with one glance of her magnificent eyes."

Her heart ached as she stared up at that fine fellow. Such a truly wonderful man. Was she a fool to deny him his heart's desire? He would surely make her a devoted husband. He'd probably give her the whole world on a silver platter. And he could afford it too.

But she had been made for love. And she just couldn't see herself ever returning this man's affection.

"I am most dreadfully sorry," she whispered. Hanging her head.

One elegant fingertip reached out to clasp the bottom of her chin and raise her head up until she met his gaze. "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for, my dear. You have been nothing but honest with me. Refreshingly honest. I do appreciate it. Though I would be willing to enter a one-sided marriage with you, I would not have appreciated being deceived.

"So...thank you for that. I wish you well. I hope the day comes when you convince them both to give you...your heart's desire. I shall remember you fondly."

With those sweet words, he turned and strode from the room. Exiting the house a moment later. Leaving behind a very sad young lady. Who was cringing at the thought of facing her father's wrath.

No. Not his ire. His disappointment.

She had always been her father's pet.

But all that must be about to change....

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now