Chapter 10: The House Guest

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"I cannot wait to see Jung Sook," Soo Ho sighed as they entered their third hour of riding since they'd left home.

Ban Ryu chuckled. "You'd best tone down your feelings. You won't be seeing her for at least three more days. Depending on when the princess releases us to return home."

"At least, she's not requiring us to stay with her this time," Soo Ho responded cheerfully.

"Aye," his soft-spoken friend responded.

For his part, Ban Ryu was rather disappointed that he had to return home soon. Now that he'd been forever banned from seeing Soo Yeon, he had no reason to return to Gyeongju any time soon. And living at the hwarang house, just a short walk from her home, would be pure torture. Perhaps he could volunteer for a deadly assignment next.

Just then, an arrow whistled by his head. Followed quickly by another that nearly struck his cheek. And he wondered if perhaps he had already volunteered for that lethal mission.

"Soo Ho!" he yelled.

"I saw them!" He had narrowly missed being struck by two darts himself.

They both spurred their horses forward. Towards the princess.

"Your Majesty, the arrows!" Soo Ho called out as Ban Ryu came level with Sook Myeong.

They, along with Seon Woo and Dan Se, surrounded the princess, prepared to defend her to the death. They all moved deeper into the forest and sheltered behind a stand of trees. But soon enough, their enemies showed themselves. Eight men, all brandishing swords, set upon them.

The hwarang fought bravely, and Sook Myeong unloosed her arrows into the heart of one offender and the side of another. But three men set upon Soo Ho and Ban Ryu, driving them back apart from the remainder of their group. Seon Woo and Dan Se were both tied up in hand-to-hand combat while the princess drew a sword to defend herself from the eighth assailant.

Quickly enough, Ban Ryu felled one of the attackers, but he was still occupied with another when the third lunged towards Soo Ho. The tip of his sword sliced through his forearm, and Soo Ho, pain spiraling through his torn flesh, tripped over a tree root as he fell back. In an instant, his opponent prepared to pounce upon him. His sword poised to strike Soo Ho's heart.


Lord Kim Seub entered the throne room to stand before King Jin Heung.

"Your Highness," he bowed low to the much younger man.

"Lord Kim Seub, you have been a most faithful subject of the Crown. And we wish to express our thanks to you."

The nobleman bowed again.

"And to ask a favor of you," the king continued.

The councilor stiffened. Wondering what on earth the king was going to request of him.

"A good man, and a good friend of mine, was injured yesterday, escorting my sister back to her home in the north. He did, in fact, defend her life with his own when they came under attack. He is, even now, being carried back into the royal city. But he is gravely injured. And – if he survives – he will require a long period of convalescence.

"I would like you to host him in your home. I know your wife to be of a kind and generous nature. I know she would provide him with the very best of comforts. And watch vigilantly over him. Along with the assistance of your daughter, a doting child. I will, of course, give you complete access to the royal surgeons."

"What kind of wound did the man suffer, Your Highness?"

"A sword thrust."

Lord Kim Seub winced.

"Through his thigh. They got the bleeding to stop. The greatest danger now is infection. He is being transported to your house as we speak," the king informed him.

"And who, Your Highness, will I have the pleasure of housing for the next few months?"

"My hwarang. Park Ban Ryu."

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now