Chapter 24: Ridiculous

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"Soo Yeon," her father's voice sounded behind her. She was in the middle of giving Ban Ryu a bite of porridge.

Ban Ryu reached out and pulled the spoon from her grasp before liberating the bowl from her other hand. "I told you," he responded irritably, "I am well enough to feed myself."

He was embarrassed that her appa had discovered her feeding him like a tiny child. "And...please...can I have something besides rice porridge? It's been nearly two weeks since I was injured! I'm fit as a fiddle now." He slapped his leg and winced.

Her eyes grew wide. "Ban Ryu! Don't you dare reopen that wound!" she gasped.

Looking chagrinned, he grimaced. "Sorry." Then his eyes strayed to her father's. After a moment, he dropped them towards his bowl and shoveled another bite into his mouth.

"Soo Yeon," the older man called again.

She glanced up at her father. "Yes, Appa," she spoke grudgingly.

"I need to speak with you."

"You may speak freely in front of Ban Ryu."

"Certainly. But this conversation isn't about him. Come with me." He turned and walked from the room.

Heaving a great sigh, she stood to her feet. Reluctantly.

"Hey," Ban Ryu muttered, "go easy on him. He is your appa. And he has only your best interests at heart."

"Yeah, right," she mumbled before departing his room.

She met her father in his office. "What is it, Appa?"

"Your eomma told me that you're refusing to eat."

"I am not refusing to eat, Appa. I merely have no appetite. There's a difference."

"And why have you no appetite?"

She shrugged. She had no energy to fight with her father. She'd been fasting for nearly a week now. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness struck her, and she weaved. She reached out to grab the back of a chair to steady herself.

He rushed over to her. "Soo Yeon! Are you all right?" He reached out and touched her arm.

"I'm fine," she gasped as the edges of her vision suddenly darkened. She closed her eyes and clung to the chair back.

"Is it true that you haven't eaten anything in nearly a week?" he thundered.

She nodded her head. Then groaned as another wave of dizziness struck her.

"This is absolute nonsense!" he declared in a panic. "You will eat something. Right now. Before you pass out!"

Her fingers digging into the top of the chair, she pulled it out and sat down abruptly upon its seat. "But I am not hungry, Appa."

"Then you must be dead already," he murmured.

She opened wide eyes to him. Brimming with tears. "I am," she whispered. Then those eyes fluttered shut again.

"If you wish to remain in Ban Ryu's room taking care of him, I am going to insist you eat. If you don't eat, you will be barred from visiting his room."

She gasped as her eyes flew wide open again. "You are just...cruel!" she flung the words at him.

"I am cruel because I wish for my beloved daughter to stay alive? To not perish from malnutrition?" he demanded irately. "You are ridiculous, child! Shall I tell Ban Ryu that you are starving yourself as some sort of way to punish me?"

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now