Chapter 33: Tea Time, Anyone?

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Apparently, her mother hadn't reported their behavior to her father. Soo Yeon breathed a sigh of relief as she rolled over in her yo bed the next morning. Her appa had never come after her. Or Ban Ryu.

Soo Yeon sat up and glanced towards Ban Ryu. He was still asleep. But he was frowning. She wondered if he was experiencing more pain. For a few days, his pain had gotten out of control in the late afternoon each day. The doctor had finally recommended giving him an extra dose of pain killer around lunch time. But the last couple of days, Ban Ryu had refused it. Soo Yeon was concerned that he might not heal well if he continued to suffer so.

She stood up and bid the maid farewell before heading for her room. She changed into a fresh set of robes after sending a note for the surgeon to visit with her. She met him half an hour later in her sitting room. Over tea, she shared her concerns with him. And he followed her back to the young gentleman's room.

Ban Ryu was sitting up in bed when Soo Yeon came breezing through the doorway. She smiled sheepishly at him, and he grinned at her.

"Sir," the doctor addressed him as he entered the room behind her, "I think that I should explain why I'm giving you so much pain medication."

Ban Ryu peered up at him. "I don't need it."

"Ah, but you do. You see, if you're not in pain, you will heal faster."

The young hwarang frowned. "I will?"

"Yes, sir. So, I'm going to ask you again.... Are you in pain?"

Reluctantly, Ban Ryu nodded.

"I am going to leave this bottle with Soo Yeon. She knows the proper dose to give you. You can take this every four hours. If you feel the pain returning before your next dose, tell her. I've given her permission to increase your dose if you need it."

"I don't want to become...dependent...upon that drug," Ban Ryu finally admitted.

The doctor heaved a deep sigh and shook his head. "I understand your concern. But you really did suffer a grievous wound. And it will take time to heal fully. It is normal to still need some help to overcome the pain. Also, tomorrow I want you to try walking on it. This will be easier if you're not in intense pain."

Ban Ryu's face lit up. "I get to walk? Tomorrow?" He felt suddenly ecstatic. "All right. Give me the medication." He beamed up at Soo Yeon, and she smiled sweetly down at him. "I get to walk tomorrow!"


Of course, when the actual moment came, he wasn't grinning anymore. Walking tested him. It hurt. And he felt shockingly weak. But the doctor thought that he did magnificently.

"Very good, sir. I want you to practice walking around this room three times today. If all goes well, tomorrow you can walk the corridors."

"Can I walk around the garden tomorrow?" Ban Ryu queried. He was so tired of being stuck inside. He just wanted to breathe some fresh air again. And see the blue sky. And feel the sun warm on his face.

"Let's try the hallway first. You may venture out into the garden in the afternoon. If you still feel up to it."


He did. And Soo Yeon could feel his joy. Even as she watched him struggling to walk. He winced nearly the whole way. But he managed it.

She led him to the garden that afternoon as promised. She wanted to hold his hand. But both of his hands were fully occupied utilizing the crutches that helped to take some of the pressure off his leg. Slowly, he made his way through the garden.

The Noble:  A Sequel to Hwarang: The Saga of the Sooks Book #4Where stories live. Discover now