Who's Romeo?

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Yunlan started banging his forehead against his locker several times, not believing why he did what he did.


Yunlan whistling happily as he was changing into his tracksuit, when two students walked in and started blabbing away.  Not noticing that Yunlan was between the locker room aisle.

"Did you hear that Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan will be competing against each other?" Student #1 asked Student #2. "I wonder what they are betting about?" He continued.

"Let me tell you! I heard Teacher Chu wanted Zhao Yunlan to join his play.  But Zhao Yunlan is so competitive, he won't lose to Shen Wei!" Student #2 whispered, but could be heard by Yunlan whom remained quiet.

"Why are you smiling?" Student #1 questioned, seeing how Student #2 were looking happy.

"Because I will surely get to cast as lead role with Shen Wei, if Zhao Yunlan doesn't join the play. I dreamed of kissing that sexy red lips of Shen Wei for so long! And who wouldn't?" Both started chuckling and continued with their perverted talk.

Yunlan clenched his fists and abruptly banged his locker door loudly, startling the two students. He came out from behind the lockers and beamed a deathly glare towards them. Shocking the two as they gulped down their saliva nervously.  "We...we...we will...be lea..ving..now! As they stumbled over each other, hurrying out the door for their lives.


"Argh! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why!!?" Yunlan continued banging his forehead as he questioned himself, until a text message came from Shen Wei that made him stop.  He immediately checked his phone.

Shen Wei: Hey loser! Meet me at the drama room tomorrow after class.

Yunlan didn't notice that he was smiling upon receiving the text message from the one he supposedly hate.  He puts his phone away and headed in the shower, whistling away.


On the other hand, Shen Wei grinned from ear to ear after sending Yunlan a text. He was enjoying the day of his life.  First of all, he won against his enemy and gets to mock him. Secondly, he received so many praises and compliments from other students which will boost his popularity.  And lastly! "Teacher Chu will be so pleased! My scholarship! Wait for me!!" And jumped triumphantly into his bubble bath that Guo prepared and started singing away.


The next day after all classes ended, Yunlan made his way to the drama room, and dragging the unwilling Da Qing along with him.  "Why do I have to go with you too!" Da Qing whined while grabbing onto anybody for help, but Yunlan just pulled him away like a ragged doll.

Yunlan and Da Qing entered the room, and was dramatically greeted by an off-tuned sound of a trumpet that was played by Teacher Chu to welcome him.  "Ah! My poor eardrum!" Da Qing yelled, while him and Yunlan covered their ears.

"Welcome! Yunlan! Welcome to our drama crew!" Teacher Chu shoved Da Qing aside, and squeezed Yunlan tightly as he lead him to meet the rest of the crew.  On the side of the room, Shen Wei and butler Guo with the rest of the crew, started taking off their earplugs.

"Everybody lets clap to welcome Zhao Yunlan to our crew!!" Everybody started clapping loudly to welcome him.  Except for Shen Wei who were still sitting down, cross legged, and had his butler filing his nails away.

Teacher Chu then sighed loudly and started announcing.  "We have a problem everyone! Two of our casts member had took themselves off the play. For reasons unknown!" Teacher Chu rubbed his temples, but suddenly a light bulb started blinking in his eyes.

"You and You! Will be our new casts!" Teacher Chu pointed at Da Qing and butler Guo.

Both Da Qing and Guo started protesting together.

"Shush..shush..shush!!" Teacher Chu shushed them. "Now listen! Hey you!" Pointing to Guo. "You will be the nurse, a personal maidservant of Juliet."

Guo popped his eyes wide open.  "NO WAY! I'm not even a student here.  And besides I don't know how to act!" Guo whined and looked at Shen Wei for help.

"There's no need for you to know how to act on that role! You already playing that role everyday anyways." Teacher Chu pointed out to Guo, who was still filing Shen Wei's nails habitually even though he was complaining.

Da Qing burst out laughing loudly as he holds his stomach, while the others tried to suppress in their laughter.

"And you shorty! You will play the role of Mercutio!" Pointing Da Qing.

Da Qing broke out from his laughs.  "Mer..Mercedes? You want to play a role of a car?"

Everybody in the room couldn't hold it in anymore so they all burst out laughing.  Shen Wei just rolled his eyes, and Yunlan covered his face in embarrassment.  While Teacher Chu rubbed his temples again.

"Mercutio is a person you idiot! He's the friend of Romeo." Yunlan whispered to the confused Da Qing.

"Oh I see, sounds like an important role? You know I only take on important roles!" Da Qing eyes sparkled.

"Yeah he is, alright!" Teacher Chu finally spoke out from his headaches. "Yeah, until he died!" Shen Wei added with contempt, and mouthed to Yunlan. "I..D..I..O..T..S!" While pointing two fingers at both Yunlan and Da Qing.

Yunlan abruptly got up from his chair and so does Shen Wei.  Beaming glares at each other. Teacher Chu noticed the heat from their eyes, so he quickly tapped on Yunlan's shoulder.  "And you Yunlan! You will be Romeo!" Teacher Chu announced which caught Shen Wei's attention by surprise.

"What? He can't be Romeo! I thought I was Romeo?" Shen Wei protested, making his way over to them.

Yunlan chuckled.  "How can that be? Romeo couldn't possibly be shorter than Juliet?" Yunlan mocked, as he shook his eyebrows playfully at Shen Wei to annoy him further.

Feeling insulted, Shen Wei came infront of Yunlan and scowled at him. "Oh yeah? You want to bet on that?" Shen Wei asked for a challenge.

Yunlan grinned from successfully irritating Shen Wei. "Why not!"

All the observers in the classroom started shrinking back, knowing that a war would broke out soon between the two.

Teacher Chu suddenly stepped in between them.  "Okay to be fair and square!" He grabbed two sticks in his hand.  "Pick one! The longer stick gets the role of Romeo, and the shorter stick would be playing Juliet." He stretched out his arm for them to pick a stick.

Both glowered at each other as they slowly stretched out their arms to pick a stick.  Yunlan went for the nearest stick, but Shen Wei quickly grabbed that stick before him.

You're Not Romeo & I'm not Juliet (SPIN-OFFS)Where stories live. Discover now