sworn rivalry ― 1.1

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In the following school years, you don't see much of Monoma. You're both in different classes and rarely see each other. But when you do, it always ends up in one of you being chased by the other, hair-pulling and grumbling, being pulled apart by a teacher, or competing over something. Your feelings towards the blonde are clear- you greatly dislike him, and you know he feels the same way. In sixth grade, Monoma declared you as his rival. You don't appreciate the title, but he isn't wrong. The two of you compete on everything, determined to outwit the other. School, friends, talent, skills, everything possible. At the beginning of the school year of seventh grade, he walks with you after school and brags about his teacher praising him for being the smartest in math. You snort and shake your head.

"Oh yeah? Well, my teacher told me I'm the smartest in all subjects." You quipped back. Monoma raised an eyebrow, shaking his head in belief.

"You're lying.''

''No, I'm not. You can ask her yourself if you'd like." The blonde narrowed his eyes at this and crossed his arms.

"Alright then. I will. But even if you are, I'm going to beat you at the science fair. You got that?''

You grinned, playfully elbowing Monoma. ''You wish! I'm going to come out of this fair as the winner in first place."

He scoffed. "We'll see about that.''

The days roll by quietly but faster than expected, and before you know it, it's the day of the science fair. You're feeling jittery, with your nerves buzzing and your mind all over the place. Walking at Tsuyu and Uraraka's side, the three of you enter the school's gymnasium where the science fair will take place. Out of the two topics you could choose from- you went with the solar system and all those matters. Your hands lugged your project- which if you said so yourself, was quite impressive for someone your age. With the help of your friends and your parents, you created a model that whirred and the position of the planets and their distance gradually increased or decreased between each other.

Despite feeling nervous and fearful, you swelled with pride when looking at your project. Stepping into the gymnasium, you saw Monoma talking to Tetsutetsu, but didn't see his project at his side. Seeing how many of your classmates had already set up their projects on tables, you guessed that Monoma had done so.

With a smile, you waved goodbye to your friends and walked towards the blonde. ''Hey there. Already set up your project?" At the sound of your voice, Monoma raised an eyebrow but turned around to greet you with a chuckle.

"Yeah, mine's set over there," he jabbed his thumb towards the left corner of the gym and you nodded. His eyes then trailed over your project, and you wondered what he was thinking. "This is your project? Not bad." you snorted.

"Not bad? I'm sure it's way better than yours!" you bragged. Monoma laughed, shaking his head.

"It's good, but you won't outshine me!" He exclaimed and raised his chin, making you roll your eyes playfully.

''We'll see about that." You responded, before quickly walking away to get a place to set your project down.

The first few minutes which then rolled into an hour went by quickly, and you were standing stiffly, forehead slightly sweating as the teachers walked towards your stand. It's showtime, you thought.

''Hello!" You smiled brightly and held your clipboard tightly in your hands. "My name is Y/N L/N and today, I will be presenting my model about the solar system. With a click on the controller safely held in your other hand, the model of planets whirred to life, and you smiled.

''The solar system contains....''

« ⋅✠⋅ »

You had just wrapped up your presentation and felt absolutely exhausted. The stress you had built up over the past few weeks had finally left your body, and it felt like you could breathe again. But soon enough, all students had presented, and it was time for the results. Quickly, all the students gathered at the front of the gymnasium, standing in front of the stage. You found your shoulder bumping with a familiar blonde, and you smiled.

''Ready to see the results?" You asked. Strangely, Monoma was rather quiet. He nodded in response and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yeah," his gaze was focused on the stage. "I'm ready.''

''Settle done, everyone." The middle-aged man that was your principal stood on the stage, clearing his throat at the podium.

"We have concluded the winners of this year's science fair! Even if you didn't win, don't be discouraged. All of you did a wonderful job today and I'm glad to see it." You tapped your foot impatiently, slowly spacing out, until you heard the words, "And our winner in first place is..." The principal pulled out an envelope, and you straightened your posture, fists clenched tightly in anticipation.

"Y/N L/N!''

A few students began to cheer as the principal clapped loudly. For a moment, shock is all you could feel. But you feel a gentle nudge from your side- it's Monoma. He's clapping as well, lips pursed as he smiles briefly. ''Go on then, go on the stage and get your award." With one last push from Monoma, you stagger forward and quickly sprint to the stage, accepting the principal's handshake and the trophy- a shiny, almost silver-like one that has your name written on it. The spotlight is slightly blinding, but you pay it no mind as you grin widely, thanking the man as you shake his hand.

The rest of the event goes by quickly and you barely process any of it. After parting ways with your friends, you're on your way home, when you see Monoma walking a few feet ahead of you. Sometimes you forget you live in a small town where you eventually bump into everyone. His head is slightly lowered and you frown. Quietly, you pick up your pace until you're walking at his side. He doesn't seem to notice you yet. Softly, you nudge him with your elbow.

"Hey," you say softly. "Everything alright?''

''Huh?" His head snaps towards you quickly, and your eyebrows furrow when you see his red-rimmed eyes. "Oh, yeah, I'm okay. Congratulations on winning," the weak smile on his face makes you frown.

"Hey, don't be sad," his eyebrows shot upward. "I saw your project and your presentation. It was amazing. You're really good at this, you know? You'll win next time, I know it." You nudge his shoulder, and he laughs briefly.

"Thanks." He raises his head towards the sky, quickly shifting from a warm blue to a bleeding orange.

"Any time, Monoma. But I'm not going easy on you next year. Got it?"

He smiles, and you relax as you see some light return to his eyes. "Wouldn't dream of it.'' 


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of rivals & summer love |  monoma x f!readerWhere stories live. Discover now